We went out for pizza on Saturday night. This is somewhat unusual for us -- Friday night is our traditional pizza night. But neither of us was very hungry Friday night *AND* since many people will be eating pizza on Sunday night during some game, we figured fewer will want to have pizza on Saturday night, so places will be easier to get into. We've used that logic before and once again we were correct -- the restaurant where we dined (one of Omaha's favorites) was not as chaotic as usual.
And on a related note, once again a friend succeeded in not paying attention and driving me nuts. She knows that M and I like pizza so she regularly asks if we've tried this or that new pizza joint she heard about or read about. As I tell her each time (with less patience each time), we have so many pizza places and types of pizza that we rotate through, that we no longer accept "blind recommendations" -- something someone tells us but they have not personally experienced. It has to be a personal recommendation or sometimes (rarely) a place fairly close to our house. It seems that every restaurant and many bars serve "pizza" but that isn't a reason for us to waste a Pizza Night trying something that is just as likely to be average. For me, it's all about the crust, then the cheese, then the toppings. For M, it's all about the sauce and amount of toppings.
What we really need in Omaha is a good Chicago style stuffed pizza place. One used to exist then closed. Another place claimed to be but we tried and M and I agreed they missed the mark. I've driven out of the way for Giordano's and occasionally for Uno's, which currently do not have locations anywhere near here. (To clarify: that's one style we like, it doesn't mean we want to eat stuffed pizza all the time. We had delicious thin-crust pizza on Saturday -- one of the best crusts in town for me.)
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