So many surveys out there are filled with pointless questions. We
all love surveys, and will spend hours answering questions like "Who is
your first crush?" "What's your favorite color?" "What
makes Jacob Balson so cool?" Well, I recently got hold of a bunch
of important questions. Some are phrased weirdly, but it's time
for a survey that should really be thought about and applied to our
lives. Ready? Here we go! (This is slightly edited,
and I did not make up this survey, so if you don't agree with some of
the questions, they're not mine.)
TRUTHFULNESS (Ephesians 4:25)
1. Have you corrected the lies that you told in the past and asked forgiveness for them?
2. Do you tend to exaggerate the facts in order to gain approval from others?
3. Have you made right any cheating on past tests?
4. Do you tell God the precise sins which you commit and claim His forgiveness?
5. Have you ever boasted to someone that a clerk undercharged you
or that you found money or possessions on the street without turning
them in?
OBEDIENCE (1 Peter 1:14, 2 Corinthians 10:5)
6. Will you be able to report to your children that you fully
obeyed your parents or that you have asked them to forgive you for not
7. Does your family see you making sacrifices to obey God?
8. Do you quickly obey the prompting of the Holy Spirit?
9. Do you violate traffic laws?
CONTENTMENT (1 Timothy 6:8)
10. Would you be content if everything were taken from you but food and clothing?
11. Is the purpose of your job to be a good steward of your time or to gain riches for future possessions?
12. Do you compare your possessions with those which others have?
NEATNESS (1 Corinthians 14:40)
13. Do you collection things that have little or no future use?
14. Do you have a place for everything you own?
15. Do you put things away after using them?
16. Do your clothes and appearance let people know you respect the way God made you?
REVERENCE (Proverbs 23:17-18)
17. Do you show respect to God by your conduct in church?
18. Do you have any habits that reveal to God or others that you're not treating your body as the temple of the Lord?
19. Do you refer to policemen as the ministers of God? (I honestly don't understand this question...)
20. Do you show respect to the country by your treatment of the flag?
21. Do you ever take the Lord's name in vain or used abbreviated swearing?
FORGIVENESS (Ephesians 4:32, Colossians 3:13)
22. Have you looked for ways of benefitting those who have hurt you in the past?
23. Do you hold any resentment for past offenses?
GRATEFULNESS (Ephesians 5:20)
24. Do you make it a habit to thank God and others for the many
little things in life that others tend to take for granted?
25. How many people can you think of offhand who have benefitted your life in the past?
26. How many of these have you personally thanked?
27. Do you share with others how various ones have helped you in the past?
28. Do you express sincere appreciation for a gift that you know you can't use?
FAITH (Hebrews 11:1, James 2:17)
29. Can you give a clear testimony of your salvation experience?
30. Would your family be convinced that God lives by the answers to prayer you share with them?
31. Do your priorities illustrate that you believe God is a rewarder of those that diligently seek him?
32. Have you given sacrificially to the work of the Lord?
33. When you are spoken to by someone in your family, do you stop what you are doing, look at them, and listen?
34. Do you share with your family the prompting of your
conscience, and the Holy Spirit and the things He reveals to you in
35. Do you ever look at your watch during a sermon or fall asleep in church?
36. Do you glance at other people when someone is talking to you?
37. Do you get all the directions clear on a project before starting it?
SECURITY (John 6:27, Proverbs 3:5-6)
38. Does your family see evidences that you have lost your first love for the Lord?
39. Have you built your life around making money?
MEEKNESS (James 1:19-20)
40. Does your family ever see you lose your temper? If they
do, do you acknowledge you were wrong and ask them to forgive you?
41. Will you share every part of your life with your wife
(husband) on the basis of giving her (him) the right to it when you get
42. Will you demand respect from your children rather than teach them to be respectful?
43. Do you complain about your boss' treatment of you at work?
44. Do you grumble about high taxes?
45. Do you demand prompt attention and service in a store or restaurant?
CAUTIOUSNESS (Proverbs 19:2-3)
46. Do you screen the kinds of magazines, books, and influences that come into your home?
47. Has your family seen you make an unwise business decision?
48. Do you have friends or activities that are wrong influences on you and your family?
PATIENCE (Romans 5:3-4)
49. Do you buy things before you have the money to pay for them?
50. Is your primary concern to remove a problem or to see God's purpose in allowing it to exist in the first place?
51. Do those around you avoid you when you are going through a difficult situation?
52. Are projects more important to you than people?
53. Do you experience inward pressure when your plans don't work out?
54. Are you willing to go through the training and experience required to become more proficient in your responsibilities?
DEPENDABILITY (Psalms 15:4, 2 Timothy 4:5)
55. Do you ever give excuses to explain why a job wasn't done?
56. Can your pastor count on you to be at regular church services?
57. Does your family take you seriously when you say you are going to do something?
58. Can God count on you to witness to a person He brings across your path?
DETERMINATION (Hebrews 12:1)
59. Does your home contain projects that you have started and not yet finished?
60. Do you allow distractions to hinder you in completing an assigned task?
61. Have you ever made a vow that you have not fulfilled?
62. Have you ever quit a job or sports event because you thought you wouldn't succeed?
PUNCTUALITY (Ecclesiastes 3:1)
63. Do you plan on getting to an event before it starts or as it starts?
64. Do you know how to graciously excuse yourself from conversations that hinder you from being on time?
65. Do you pay those who serve you on their schedule of billing or fit them around your convenience of payment?
66. When is the last time you got an overdue notice on a bill you owed?
67. Do you pay your bills to get them out of the way, or do you do it as a testimony and an expression of appreciation?
68. If dinner is set for 6:00, what time does your family expect to see you?
LOYALTY (John 15:13)
69. Do you share problems with others about those you are serving?
70. Do you have clearly defined convictions in Christian living that you have purposed to follow no matter what?
71. Do you work for a company to gain personal experience and
skills that will help you in working for a different company?
72. Are you quick to believe a bad report about a family member or friend?
COMPASSION (1 John 3:17)
72. Do you stare at or avoid people with physical or mental handicaps?
73. Have you ever made a joke at the expense of a person's physical, mental, or family background which they can't change?
74. Have you ever gained money or advantage from another's misfortune?
75. Do you treat an older or disabled person as if they were your father or mother?
ALERTNESS (Mark 14:38)
76. Do you drive defensively or trust the other person to drive safely?
77. Have those under your care experienced problems which you should have detected and corrected long before you did?
78. Are you aware of opportunities God gives to witness and encourage others to grow spiritually?
79. What is the last problem you could have avoided by being alert to danger?
80. Have you learned how to tune out distractions that hinder you from being alert to the right things?
THRIFTINESS (1 Corinthians 8:11)
81. Do the things you own give evidence of lack of care?
82. Do you have bargain purchases in your home that you've never used?
83. Do you pay for service that you have the time and ability to do yourself?
84. Does the present condition of your car indicate to people
that you don't value the possesions that the Lord has given you?
85. Would those you work for leave their most cherished possessions in your care?
86. Do you delegate to others job you know you should do yourself?
87. Do you have to be reminded to do the tasks that have been assigned to you?
VIRTUE (Phillippians 2:14-15a)
88. Do people swear or tell dirty jokes in your presence?
89. Have you inspired those under your spiritual care to moral purity by your personal example?
90. How many people would sense personal loss in their spiritual life if you were to leave?
FAIRNESS (Luke 6:31)
91. Do the decisions you make cause resentment from those affected by them?
92. Would those under your leadership be able to give examples of favoritism in your dealings among them?
93. Do you twist the rules in order to win a game?
94. Have you ever sold somebody something you knew wasn't worth what he expected he was getting?
TOLERANCE (Phillippians 2:2)
95. Do the irritations of others cause you to reject opportunities to help them grow spiritually?
96. Do you genuinely love a sinner while hating his sin?
JOYFULNESS (Proverbs 15:13, Colossians 1:11)
97. Do you cheerfully greet the members of your family in the morning?
98. Do you joyfully give money to God's work?
99. Do you thank God for every situation and see His benefits in allowing each one?
100. Do you know that you are in the place God wants you to be?
DISCERNMENT (1 Samuel 16:7)
101. Have you ever been cheated on a purchase you have made?
102. Have your friends ever talked you into doing things you later regretted?
103. Are there activities that you enjoy which others feel are wrong?
104. Have you ever given confidential information to a person who misused it?
105. Have you ever experienced the consequences of reproving a scorner?
106. Have you used words and expressions that have caused hurt and misunderstanding?
WISDOM (Proverbs 9:10, James 3:17)
107. Can you contrast God's principles with natural inclinations?
108. Do you know the commands of Christ?
109. Are you aware that God is watching and weighing every one of your words, thoughts, actions and attitudes?
110. Do you have a godly hatred of evil and a genuine love for sinners?
111. Do you love those who reprove you?
112. Do you record the insights of wisdom God gives you?
113. Have you asked God for wisdom and treasured it more than gold?
114. Do you seek instruction of wise men and reject the teachings of fools?
115. Are you slow to answer and swift to hear?
DILIGENCE (Colossians 3:23)
116. When you study or work do you anticipate that God will evaluate it?
117. Do you study or work in order to honor the name and reputation of Christ?
118. Are you alert to details that indicate mastery of what you are doing?
DISCRETION (Proverbs 22:3)
119. Do you knwo good table manners and social graces?
120. Do you know what words cause others to react to you?
121. Are you aware of topics that should be avoided in conversation?
122. Do you know how to respond to embarassing situations?
SELF-CONTROL (Galatians 5:24-25)
123. Do you have any habits that you know grieve the Holy Spirit?
124. Do you know how to discern a prompting of the Holy Spirit?
125. Do you learn all the facts before answering a matter?
126. Do you have regular times of fasting?
127. Are you committed to giving a good report and rejecting gossip?
ENDURANCE (Galatians 6:9)
128. How long can you go without giving in to temptation?
129. Have you developed the habit of prayer?
130. How long have you gone without missing a day of reading Scripture?
131. Has your family seen you give in to your appetite when they know you are trying to reduce?
132. Do you have a goal in life you are willing to die for?
133. Do you use weariness in a task as motivation to renew your
strength in the Lord, or do you try to finish it in your own energy?
134. Do you plan on just doing what is required, or do you purpose to do more than is expected?
DEFERENCE (Romans 14:21)
135. What activities do you engage in that many Christians believe are wrong?
136. Do you use words or expressions that are offensive to others?
137. Are your parents completely happy with your style of clothes and hair?
138. Have you taken the time and effort to ask your authorities about their preferences and tastes?
139. Do you justify actions (such as smoking, drinking, theater-going, dancing) on the basis that other Christians do it?
140. Do you stand up when women or older people come into the room?
SINCERITY (1 Peter 1:22)
141. When purchasing a gift, do you do so after considering what they gave to you?
142. Do you enjoy doing things which will go unnoticed as an expression of faithfulness and love for another?
143. Who are you excited about helping to make successful?
144. Do you invite prominent people to your home to enhance your reputation?
145. Are you quick to acknowledge when you are wrong and take steps to correct it?
146. Do you grieve over the hurts you have others or simply ask forgiveness to free your conscience?
GENEROSITY (2 Corinthians 9:11)
147. Do you promptly give God the firstfruits of all your increase?
148. Are your gifts prompted by what you can't use anymore, or by what you a person has need of?
149. Do you gifts make the one receiving them feel obligated to you?
150. Do you give a gift to those you want to help you in the future?
151. Have you ever given a large sum of money to God that you could have used for a personal want?
152. How many unexpected gifts have you given in the last year?
HUMILITY (Romans 12:14, James 4:6)
153. How many times during the past week have you thanked God for the things He has allowed you to accomplish?
154. Do you welcome criticism or secretly resent the one who gives it?
155. Are you inwardly grieved or pleased when you learn that another Christian has failed?
156. Are you unwilling to have others help you with a project because you do not want to share the praise with them?
157. Do you look at physical defects as God's marks of ownership?
158. Are you more concerned for your reputation than Christ's?
ENTHUSIASM (Titus 2:14)
159. Do you make it a habit to cheerfully greet all those you meet?
160. Do you tend to see a glass half empty rather than half full?
161. Do your working attitudes convince people that you are happy in your work?
INITIATIVE (Romans 12:21, 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12)
162. Do you wait to be told to do something that you know needs to be done?
163. Do you introduce yourself to visitors at your church or wait to be introduced by someone else?
164. When is the last time you took advantage of an opportunity to explain the gospel to someone?
CREATIVITY (Romans 12:21)
165. Does a new task bring fear to you or challenge?
166. Are you quick to say no to a new idea?
167. Does an insurmountable problem cause you to give up or motivate you to search out God's Word for wisdom?
LOVE (1 Corinthians 13:3, John 13:34-35)
168. When you are with a person, do you enjoy spending time over and above what is expected or required?
169. Do you lose your temper?
170. Do you envy what others have?
171. In what practical ways have you demonstrated love to others during the past week?
172. Do you practice good manners?
173. Are you possessive in your friendships?
174. Do the actions or attitudes of others diminish the love you have for them?
SENSITIVITY (Romans 12:15)
175. Can you discern the true feelings of your family or friends without asking them?
176. Are you aware of the spiritual condition of those for whom you are responsible?
177. Do you experience times when your mind tells you something is right, but your spirit tells you something is wrong?
178. Have you ever given a gift which you later learned met a precise need?
179. Do those closest to you believe you really understand them and their needs?
DECISIVENESS (2 Corinthians 8:11, Proverbs 2:9)
180. Do you tend to reevaluate past decisions and wonder if they were right?
181. Do you have sound biblical reasons for your convictions?
182. Do you base present decisions on past commitments that you know are right?
183. Do friends keep asking you to do things which in the past you told them were against your convictions?
184. When have you had to stand alone on the side of right when it cost you something?
THOROUGHNESS (2 Corinthians 8:11)
185. Do you pass on reports without checking them for accuracy?
186. Do you have a reputation for finishing one task completely before beginning another?
187. When you are asked to clean, do you clean only what is seen or also what is not?
188. Do you use concordances and dictionaries in your personal study of the Bible?
189. Do you finish a task on the basis that God is going to evaluate it and reward you accordingly?
COURAGE (1 Chronicles 28:20, Isaiah 57:15)
190. When is the last time you stood alone on the side of right when it cost you something?
191. When you hear someone being falsely accused, do you remain
silent or clarify what you know to be right even when it is unpopular?
192. The last time God prompted you to witness to a stranger, did you do it or remain silent?
193. Have you followed through on asking forgiveness of those you know you have wronged?
FLEXIBILITY (Phillippians 4:13, James 4:15-16)
194. Do you set your affections on ideas or plans that may be changed by the one you are serving?
195. Are you serving of your lenders because you have borrowed money for depreciating items?
196. Do you know how to recognize the Holy Spirit warning you that a project which you have begun is not His perfect will?
197. Do you allow your authorities the freedom to change their minds?
AVAILABILITY (Phillippians 1:20)
198. Do you help others to start a project and then slip away and hope they will finish it?
199. Have outside activities prevented you from carrying out promised family outings?
200. Have you reduced personal responsibilities to a minimum so
you can have maximum time available to the one you are serving?
201. How many hours each week do you spend watching television?
HOSPITALITY (Romans 12:13, Hebrews 13:2)
202. Do you know what types of people God does not want in your home?
203. Do your attitudes communicate that your possessions are more important than the guests?
204. Are there things in your home that hinder godliness and grieve the Holy Spirit?
205. Do those that visit your home feel like guests or family members?
206. Do people look forward to a pleasant visit in your home or do they suffer through family conflicts?
PERSUASIVENESS (2 Timothy 2:24-25)
207. When someone disagrees with you, are you more concerned about proving your point or winning his spirit?
208. Do you know how to detect a scorner?
209. Is one who rejects Scripture able to draw you into an argument?
210. Do personal weaknesses diminish the effectiveness of your public message?
GENTLENESS (Proverbs 15:4, James 3:17)
211. Do those you correct walk away motivated or discouraged?
212. Do people avoid you when they know they have disappointed you?
213. Do you take time to build a friendshp along with correction?
214. Do those who work with you feel that you are committed to them or to getting the job done?
215. Are you careless about your possessions if they are easily replaceable?
216. Do you gather materials for a project you have in mind, or do you just collect things for possibly future use?
217. Do you know the skills, abilities, and interests nof the people around you?
218. Do you look for reasons why you can accomplish a task rather than accept reasons why you can't?