The Company Man
Solomon was a very wise man indeed and he recorded many of the little nuggets of wisdom he aquired in a book named "Proverbs". One of the thoughts wise old Solomon recorded was "there is a way that seems right to a man but the end thereof, is death".
Its sort of a depressing thought really... I mean if you are the man and the way you are following genuinely seems right to you..then can you really be accountable for the unpleasant end result? Well, While "The man" still retains my sympathy (and should have yours) God has left us many instructions on the right way to go in the Bible for us to be able to avoid disapointment in life.
Recently I had the good fortune to meet a very interesting individual. This person held a prominant position in a very well known company. The person was young but something of a hight flyer and one hour in their company was enough to see how incredibly passionate and loyal they were to the company they worked for. Its a peculiar but impressive thing when someone can be so excited about something that most people dont ever entertain.
I mean think about it..There are people like the individual I met whose whole life (and I mean nearly every waking hour) is devoted to making sure the furniture we sit on is as comfortable as it could be or the coffee we drink is just right or the internet service we recieve is competitive or the car we drive is the most appealing. Seriously, behind every thing we use or consume there is a team of people convinced of this product or services superiority in that field and whose lives our devoted to advancing that product or services reach.
They spend 16 hours a day working to ensure that the product or service is advancing, and they spend the rest of the time thinking about the job or sleeping. They see the product in their sleep. They sacrifice years with family and freinds and personal comfort in order to advance the product and ultimately advance their own career. The individual I met was such a person and while there is something to be admired in the sheer commitment of this kind of company man I aslo felt a great deal of sadness while I listened to his patter.
Someday the company will cease to exist. Or he will be made to leave. Or he will retire. Or he will die. Where then does that leave him? Where does it leave the hours, and input and passion that was invested into his work and life? What harvest does he reap?
People.. I dont care if its a job or a hobby or a person or a dream or a place... Anything man made will eventually come to an end. Whatever investment of emotion or money or time or passion will evaporate the moment that thing comes to an end. And it will come to end someday. The only constant, the only everlasting, the only non perishable are those investments that we make in the eternal. In the spirit.
Jesus Christ said I am the way, The truth and the life. He that believes in will me will not perish but will have everlasting life. You see he is the only one really worthy of all that passion. He is the only the one not fail. He is the only one who can guarantee an eternal return on your time and effort.
Passion is a great thing but if it is invested in the temporal then it is a waste. A life devoted solely to the things of Earth will eventually be made redundant. Im not saying that the only interest we should have is in Jesus Christ but I am saying that without him everything else is kind of futile. I think its a great thing for a man to be a good servant to his employer but only if he above all serves Christ. Its a great thing for a man to love his family but above all he should love Christ, then his family may have eternal value. Its a great thing for a man to have passion. In fact I would say that if a man does not have passion then maybe he isnt a man at all but without that passion being directed to and coming through the Eternal source then what really is it worth?
Choose the way you live your life carefully. Think hard about where and how you spend your passions and energies. Will they reap you and eternal harvest? Does the way you choose seem right to you? Think carefully. There is a way that seems right to a man but the end thereof is death.
God Bless.