very long story short; i got my left ear pierced in 1985 when i was 12 years old and i got my right one pierce last sunday, well not only did it not hurt but i was disappointed so i checked the company policy and it said no "visable facial piercings" so that doesn't include the tongue right, since that's an internal organ! score!
so i make an apt at: for a tongue job today saturday at 2pm. between tuesday and today i bought bactine, biotene and epsom salt (not to mention rum and a turkey baster to shutgun it down my throat) and learned how to care for my future intentional mouth wound. so me and my brother leave and drive down to seattle, through traffic (on a saturday?) pay $5 to park, find the place, sign my form, shit my pants, go to another room, homeboy grabs a paper towel, drys my tongue and starts checking it out...he's like, "sorry dude, i can't do your tongue, and i'm quite sure our tongue pro wont touch it either, you got really big centerline viens and even a big one on your tip. if i were you i'd just forget it and pierce something else."
fucking christ on a stick i was there on the table, tongue ready for raping, shit i did the hard part and didn't even get the results...damn i'm so disappointed. i'm not interested in nipples or a prince albert so if i can't do my eyebrow or lip because or work, and i can't do my tongue because i'll bleed out, then i'm done with my ears.