the rest is gone...

Jan 15, 2004 23:10

....until saturday.

Clearly rambling about exams there as i ha dthe day off them today. Got an exam tomorrow, hence 'the rest is gone'.

Anyway, i managed to get out of bed this morning (don't you dare say anything!!!!) to attend a school council meeting which was cancelled. Me=not amused at this stage. So after sitting down and getting some work done (I have done a lot today :p) i was free. Played pool for a bit and then had maths. All preperation for tomorrorw, I'm still gonna fail.

Nuff said about exams now. Carly has been speaking to a guy called Toby who claims to know me. Im scared, not because she's talking to him, but because he knows me. I have no idea who he is. He wants to meet her at a Red Method (english for shit local band <= personal translation) gig in Newcastle. There is no way I am going to travel on a 45 mile round journey to see a band that is shit and includes a guy who i think is a fucking twat to say the least. Im not going to that!

Im rather tired now, long day but still, i have things to say, but dont know how to find the words.

Not so much words and things to say as much as feelings and how to express them. I am not too sure what they are, what they are for, what they mean or how to deal with them. Welcome to where my insanity kicks in, may make this place more fun for your reading. Im guessing its just worry from all the work i have to do, mixed with the emotions, or lack of, that i feel from speaking to carly. Its just shite and no longer as fun as when we were just flirting friends. Well i get to see her tomorrow, and ill be able to see how staying apart for 5 days helps.

She just told me that she might be going on holiday in the summer with the girls. Like I care really? I might be spending every hour working to save up for uni, or getting pissed for fun. It is not like i will miss her at all, or even if we will be going out then. I guess i would feel harsh if i finished her for no other reason than "our relationship is boring" or "i wanna fuck other people" so i think i should just make life hard for her to cope with in not being able to see me and then she might finish me. That said, having tried that last time, it failed because i could not be arsed to revise through the xmas hols. KNowing my luck, it will backfire again and ill have her just coming round when i'm "revising" and ill either be posting on here, talking on rahfish or generally bitching about her as she walks in.

is it just me, olr are my entries getting longer? I know that the punctuation, spelling and grammar are staying as bad as ever, with my lowercase "I"s when referring to myself, and sentances not having captals at the beginning, and as for spelling, i cant be assed with a spellchecker.

Oh well, that just about covers everything today, hopefully i will be back again tomorrow, but in a better mood. who knows.
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