Yep, it hasn't been a big one on the LJ front, but then that seems to be true of most people nowadays anyway... I still come here for a read a few times a week, because there are still a few entertaining folks posting worthwhile stuff, but between Facebook usage, lack of writing productivity, reading an ever-growing number of RSS feeds through Google Reader, and the apparent complete disappearance of certain people, it's become less of a priority...
It's been a good year, though, with lots to write about, even though I haven't ;) Most of that is because it's been the year of Malcolm (version 1), which has simply been amazing... he's taken his first steps, made his first sort-of-words, and is on the verge of becoming a walking, talking person - next year's going to be even more interesting.
Work this year has been continuing as usual... intensive Advanced 2 classes mostly, which I enjoy a lot more than the lower levels, and things look set to continue for a while (just got my new resident card that lets me stay and work for the next two years.)
This year's travels weren't so much, with Hong Kong, Jakarta and Bali (with Nhu and Malcolm), Taiwan (solo - but visiting
justin_pilon ), and Phnom Penh (final weekend with a good friend who left Vietnam this year, but who could well be back the next one) being my only excursions out of the country. Next year may not improve on that number, but it will bring us further afield - as we plan to visit the UK (see my sister in Scotland and some friends in London), and hopefully also visit Germany and maybe one more country. The UK visa is the most complicated part of that - part of the process will involve a trip up to Hanoi in April, as it's the only place in Vietnam that processes the applications.
I'm not making any resolutions for next year, but I do have some plans... the first of which is to rewrite and finish my Journey to the West adaptation, and hopefully get to work on something new. The second is a new blog, about Vietnamese culture through my eyes and experiences (and possibly other things) which I hope to try to update at least twice a week. Working on getting that one started soon, and will update here once it has been.
Well, we haven't talked much this year, but hope everyone's had a great one, and that your 2011s are even better! :)