May 04, 2007 15:37
As I was passing a school the other day I noticed a bunch of kids playing in the play ground. The girls were on the swings laughing...the boys in the sandbox...the few who had nothing to do and the lone was staring at the road holding their tiny grip against the frence. I began to wonder what type of world they are going to grow up in? I began to wonder which kid was being bullied on that play ground at that moment I happened to drive by? I wondered if the teachers would do anything. I wondered which kid would be the outcast, the jock, the popular one, the cheerleader, the nerds, and the ones that floated every where. I imagined a world they could grow up in without knowing or fearing for their life when they enter a school building. But then I realized it's just not possible.
Everyone is in shock and will forever mourn for the families and the lives lost at Virgina Tech. But I cannot begin to imagine the pain and anguish that they had to indure hiding in their rooms or classrooms. I fear for the lives of those children growing up a world where this happens. I wonder if they will ever be safe.
I think to my own life and how I encountered some experiences of my own...some which known of you couldn't even imagine. And I'm not about to give you my sob story. But I was hoping that maybe we could stop worrying about what tomorrow could bring, because afterall we don't really know if it going to happen. Those kids went to school that day just like every other day and some of them won't be going back again. To think the one thing I am worrying about is next week when in reality I don't know if it will even come. Some times it takes a little innocence of children laughing and playing with one another to realize that life is a gift. A gift everyone should cherish and hold onto and live everyday like tomorrow won't really come.
Your life is what you make of it. The choices you make day in and out are the consquences you make for yourself. Love with all of your heart...even if hurts. Laugh as much as possible. Without is just boring. Most of all...don't be afraid to live.