Jul 17, 2012 03:17

We only have three participants (one of them is me) for this round, so hopefully we can get some more people to join in once they see these themes! :D JOIN IN NOW!


» Icons must be made originally for this challenge, no prior work may be submitted.
» All work must be your own, not someone elses.
» Icons must fit the livejournal standard. under 40kb, 100x100px and in either .png, .gif or .jpg file format.
» When posting the finished 20 please leave 3 icon examples, not just a banner and a link to the icon post or lj-cut. If you are posting here, tease with 3 and make an lj-cut. NOTHING MORE!
» Post the completed icons at once.
» ICON POSTS MUST BE PUBLIC UNTIL VOTING IS CLOSED. The mods need to see the entries for voting and so people don't have to join to view your icons.
» Don't submit your icons to this post.
» ALL entries are moderated which means that we have to accept the entry before it's made visible to the public.
» Please use the provided table to post your icons for convenience.
» When posting your icons to the community, please ensure you put Round 16: "lj username" as the subject.
» ALL entries are due by Monday, August 13th. Anything submitted after that date will not be accepted.
» Tag your entries like so: round 18, username: YOURUSERNAME

POSTING ACCESS FOR THIS ROUND you can see the complete list here. KEEP SIGNING UP IF YOU CAN!

Examples are provided, however the themes are open to interpretation. Inspiration images 1 and 2 are hopefully exactly that- inspiring! I chose Baroque classic art and a modern art piece.
Glow, Shape, Muted, Inspiration 1, Inspiration 2


arctic_flower karinmcr lumsx tangerun

appleindecay bitterbird ill_get_a_cake sky_magenta

everythingshiny jokermary pandavirus vampire_sessah

Category: "A" is for... - Choose five letters (must all be different letters), choose words with those letters and get your inspiration from that word. For example, "D" is for Dramatic. Create an icon that shows a dramatic scene, reaction, composition, and so on. If you are at a lost for ideas, Here is our past themes in alphabetical order. As always, feel free to you your own native language- doesn't have to be English.
Category: Color Picker - Choose a specific color (provide the color code, if you can) and use that in your icon (max 5 colors for the 5 icons). It doesn't need to be the only color in the icon, however it should hold the majority of the color in the icon. A few examples would be this icon's color code is #C3D71E, while this icon's color code would be #6A93CC
Artists Choice: Whatever you'd like.


Glow Shape Muted Inspiration | Inspiration ||

5 CATEGORY - "A" is for...

01 02 03 04 05

5 CATEGORY - Color Picker

01 02 03 04 05


artist's choice #1 artist's choice #2 artist's choice #3 artist's choice #4 artist's choice #5

If you have any problems or question leave a comment here :)

& a little promotion: If you have not yet heard about this awesome community, please climb up from under that rock and join in on the fun!!! :D

Click the banner to join up today!
Or if you'd like to learn more, go here.

!info, round 18