I do rather enjoy this meme.

Aug 16, 2007 20:43

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Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) Would queenemma be a better ninja or pirate? Ninja. They have better outfits.
2) If tm_creed was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? Logan. Though that would be an especially odd reversal.
3) One thing you can't stand about valrichards? I'm not sure anyone could find a flaw in the girl.
4) If causes_havok and tm_cable were spliced together, what would it be like? Scott's biggest headache..
5) Would mys_tique and siryn_song make a good couple? Siryn has made worse romantic choices over the years, but I wouldn't support this.
6) Does enduring_pryde go to your school? She did, yes. Though well after I did.
7) Which president would matt_murdock be likely to idolize? FDR or LBJ, I imagine.
8) What would tm_cable think of weapon_10? They tend to come to fisticuffs rather often like when they're fighting over Scott and Jean.
9) tm_cable's hair color? White.
10) Where would iron_tony most like to visit? Hell, I would guess, considering his recent actions. A strip club of some sort.
11) What languages does doug_ramsey speak? All of them. [OOC: Hahahaha]
12) When did you last call merryirene? Last night. No, you may not have details.
13) Where did you first meet valrichards? Some short time after her birth.
14) What color should tm_laurakinney dye their hair? I doubt dye would stay in Laura's hair, considering her body chemistry.
15) What is stormysue's favorite movie? I'm afraid I don't know.
16) Is red_eyed_sin related to dr_s_strange? No.
17) What rank would iron_tony have in a giant robot army? I believe he actually has commanded an army of his own suits on several occasions, so I must cast him as the general.
18) If tm_pyro took over the world, who would be happy? The Brotherhood, I imagine.
19) Where was tm_northstar born? Quebec.
20) Is tm_laurakinney athletic? Yes.
21) What mental disorder does agentbrand remind you of? Is there a disorder which simply makes someone insufferable?
22) One quality you find attractive in redwings_sam? His simultaneous loyalty and outspoken independence.
23) If queenemma commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? Anyone she wished to persuade with her telepathy.
24) Is jolly_green_jen a high school student? Not at all.
25) Does daughter_of_m know agentbrand? Nope.
26) Does tm_laurakinney smoke? I don't believe so, but it wouldn't hurt her if she did.
27) Is daughter_of_m related to you? No.
28) How long have you known drake_bobby? Since we were teenagers.
29) How many monkeys could bea4evar fight at once and win against? It's best not to ask about Deadpool and monkeys. Honestly.
30) Has stoic_slim been to your house/dorm? Of course. We've lived in the same building for most of our adult lives.
31) Is jolly_green_jen single? I'm not entirely sure. I believe she recently annulled her marriage, so I imagine she is.
32) Does not_franklin have a dog? Not that I know of.
33) If iamdoom were hanging off a cliff, what would valrichards do? Find some charmingly creative way to save him, when all adults failed or simply declined to try.
34) Is red_eyed_sin friends with stormysue? I don't think they'd get along.
35) If enduring_pryde and red_eyed_sin were spliced together, what would be its name? Sinister Pryde? That has a nice ring to it, actually.
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