What words would you like to see added to/removed from common use?
Removed? Perish the thought! Our language is a rich and varied amalgamation, a living testament to its own growth and influences. To deny a word its proper usage is to shred a part of our history, and I shudder at the idea that some might so flippantly destroy an artifact of such importance to our culture.
No, I shall not make the case for purging English of its words. Instead, I fully intend to take up the cause raised by The Times, eloquently detailed in
this article. Some of our words, like pandas and small rainforest insects, have become endangered, nearing extinction from misunderstanding and neglect. We must endeavor to save these words, so that future generations may still find pleasure in their melodious syllables.
For my part, though fubsy, apodeictic, and embrangle were very attractive contenders, I’ve decided to throw the full weight of my considerable intellectual influence behind oppugnant. Defined as “combative, antagonistic, or contrary,” oppugnant is a word I suspect I may find much need for in the future, as it perfectly describes a number of my friends, acquaintances, and rivals--most notably a certain omnipresent hirsute Canadian. He’s the best there is at what he does, and what he does is, frankly, oppugnant.
So go forth, and take up the cause. Don’t be niddering; don’t vaticinate their demise. Save these words, before they become etymological dodos. I’ll be standing right beside you.