mod here

Nov 16, 2010 23:41

*waves to fellow Garrowvians*

So I've sorta forgotten about this comm until now... *hangs head in shame* because to be honest I never thought they'd renew the series (period dramas are always costly etc.) but to my great delight they did! And with absolutely no detriment to the series! Wasn't it a brilliant, harrowing garrowing episode? I loved every second!

So anyway this is just a general discussion post about the episode so... discuss away! Spam all you want! Gifs/videos/picspams/squee/rants etc. encouraged! Only no hate on characters/pairings/users please. This is a place of love and understanding (pfft).

Oh and by popular request I have finally figured out how to add the list of tags to the sidebar... so that should be clearer for all :D

Also from now on I promise I shall be a more dutiful mod and post discussion posts on Sunday so live squee/immediately post-episode squee can happen right here on LJ!

Finally, I leave you with this: Why, why, why haven't more than two people got Garrow's Law under their list of interests!? Let's give this fandom a bit more credibility! Tell your friends!

Farewell for now, may the mighty squash be with you all (and also with you).


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