First Post of the Year

Feb 02, 2018 10:55

Hello 2018. January was pretty good for me. I got a lot of work done on my vid, and I hope to finish it this weekend. It's basically three and a half minutes of distilled Tony angst, and I'm pretty happy about that.

I finally finished reading Gay L.A., which was a queer history of Los Angeles. Not a perfect book, but very interesting and entertaining to read. I will probably do a separate post with excerpts.

Tied-in with my interest in West Coast queer history, I've been reading old issues of The Advocate on microfilm at the library. Just 1969 and 1970 so far. It was such a different world then, and yet in many ways little has changed. This is my first time ever using microfilm, but luckily the library has a modern set-up where, instead of a projector, you view the film on a computer screen and can take instant screen grabs. I'll post some of those later.

You might have guessed that some of my interest in 1970's gay Los Angeles ties into my current fandom of Starsky & Hutch, and if you did guess that you'd be right. But I just like knowing about queer history, too. And the strongly localized approach offers some benefits. You get smaller stories along with the bigger stories, and there are fewer sweeping generalizations.

Oh, I also saw some interesting movies in January:
I, Tonya -- very engrossing and good at complicating a story that the media simplified.
The Shape of Water -- very beautiful visuals. Also, they mentioned Madison, WI!
Murder on the Orient Express -- not great, but not terrible. Overall kind of fun.
Blade Runner 2049 -- True to the spirit of the original, but much too slow and boring, with some gaping plot holes.

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vidding, movies, fandom: starsky and hutch, books

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