One a.m. ponderings

Nov 15, 2013 12:20

I got my hair cut quite short recently. Today my mom and I went out to lunch, and we ran into a friend who commented, "Oh, you got your hair cut!" To which my mom said, "I think it makes her look like Rachel Maddow."

The friend got this confused look on her face like she didn't know if my mom was disparaging my haircut or not, and stammered out, "It looks nicer than Rachel's," and so I hurriedly explained than my mom is a huge Rachel Maddow fan, and that she really was giving me the highest compliment by comparing me to Rachel.

And it's true. Not that I look like Rachel--I don't, the visual similarities end with short brown hair and glasses--but it's true that my mom is a Rachel superfan. A while back I was trying to get my mom to read some comics. She loved comics as a child, and I thought she might like some contemporary graphic novels like Anya's Ghost, but I was having trouble getting her to even try them. So I checked out Batwoman: Eulogy because it's got a forward by Rachel Maddow.

My mom eagerly picked up the book and started reading the forward, even going so far as to read particular lines out loud and comment on the wittiness Rachel's prose. When she finished she set the book down. I asked if she was going to read the actual story, and she said no, she just wanted to read Rachel Maddow's forward.

I never did get her to read any comics.

My dad, on the other hand, is a huge Stephen Colbert fan. He has written actual fanmail to Colbert. This makes me pretty happy, because my dad has been kind of homophobic in the past, and Colbert presents the POV of a catholic who is pro-gay rights, and I think some of that is sinking in for my dad. I mean, hopefully having queer daughters helped change my his mind, but if his hangups were religious in nature, it might take an overtly religious person to push for change.

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