Apr 20, 2006 14:32
Interview from Nigel, God help me.
Ask me to interview you and post your answers in your journal then invite others to ask for an interview.
1. When I go off on my tangents of thing not considered normal, how do you put up with me?
By reminding myself that you are the finest criminologist I’ve ever worked with and my friend, even if you are a little flaky.
2. Why did you give me such a wonderful review to keep me in the states all those years ago?
Because it was the truth. Grace was always overly critical of insignificant things.
3. If you could fix me up with anyone, who would it be and would you?
Honestly Nigel, I have no idea, you are unique to say the least. No actually if she weren’t involved, Lily. And yes I would although I have a feeling despite what he says, Bug would protest.
4. Tell me about your greatest fear?
Not having the ability to stay sober.
5. Tell me about the happiest moment in your life.
The day Abby was born. It was also the saddest, because it was the day my son died.