Here's a webpage that I wish I'd discovered ages ago, with tools, plugins and bookmarklets for AO3, for doing stuff like sorting by the kudos/hits ratio, adding better search functionality, downloading statistics
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Thank you so much for this. I have to really look it over. I have such an issue uploading because of formatting. Maybe help with that is buried in there. I see it for google drive, but not for word docs but maybe it is there.
I've never used google docs, but I do know it's free and that it's supposed to be completely compatible with Word docs. So maybe you can upload your stuff to that and then from there to AO3?
Formatting is such a pain, isn't it? I do all my formatting by hand, while I'm writing the fic. It's really fiddly and annoying... I should find a better way!
Thank you for pointing this out. Looks like there is some pretty cool stuff there, although I'd settle for just figuring our how to get fics to actually appear in my collections.
I also need to start posting some of my fics, now that there are more than two of them. ;)
What problem are you having with collections exactly? I maintain a bunch of bookmarks collections of fic recs, and I've noticed that the bookmarks don't always (well, never) appear right away in the collections, but they're there. They always show up after a couple of days. Is that the same problem you're having?
OK. here's what's going on. I have created 3 collections. I changed this particular one to Open and unmoderated on the collections settings, so as to take off all restrictions. I'm the owner. It shows Works 0 on the dashboard. But, if I click on Manage Items and Approved, the works I have added all show up.
Yes, that's what I mean. I think it's because AO3 doesn't automatically re-generate the dashboard page every time a collection is updated. So you are seeing like a cached version, although it won't help if you clear your browser cache because it's cached on AO3 itself, if that makes sense. Those numbers should update in a couple of days to reflect the actual number of bookmarks in your collections. At least that's been my experience.
I was actually nosing around AO3 yesterday too, trying to find a way to sort or filter bookmarks by word count and kudos. It's possible to filter regular search results by word count/kudos but not bookmarks. At least as far as I've been able to see. Have you ever found anything like that?
About halfway down that page I linked to there's a script which works on lists of bookmarks as well as other types of lists of works. (I don't actually have a list of bookmarks so I tested it on one of yours :) )
However it only sorts the 20 works which appear on any one page, and it doesn't seem to be possible on AO3 to show more works per page, so that's not so useful by itself.
So this evening I wrote another script to display an unlimited number of works on one AO3 page. Now I just have to get it working at the same time as this other person's script to sort by kudos/hits... I'll let you know!
Comments 17
Formatting is such a pain, isn't it? I do all my formatting by hand, while I'm writing the fic. It's really fiddly and annoying... I should find a better way!
I also need to start posting some of my fics, now that there are more than two of them. ;)
What's up with that??
However it only sorts the 20 works which appear on any one page, and it doesn't seem to be possible on AO3 to show more works per page, so that's not so useful by itself.
So this evening I wrote another script to display an unlimited number of works on one AO3 page. Now I just have to get it working at the same time as this other person's script to sort by kudos/hits... I'll let you know!
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