I can't really see myself posting something every single day for 30 days, but at the very least it won't be too difficult to post more often than I have recently... ;)
So... I'm setting out to watch as many different adaptations of Sherlock Holmes as I can get hold of, and preferably some of the more obscure ones. Plus I went out in a fit of enthusiasm a few weeks ago and bought a whole series of B pencils, so now I have vague ideas of a series of illustrated reviews...
First up, Peter Cushing and Nigel Stock (BBC, 1968)
Cushing as Holmes:
Stock as Watson:
I watched A Study in Scarlet and The Blue Carbuncle, both of which are available on youtube. I liked Cushing's portrayal of Holmes a lot. According to some not-at-all-thorough research I did (i.e. Wikipedia and IMDB) he didn't feel he'd done his best work -- not enough rehearsal time etc. My criteria for a good portrayal of Holmes are only half based on acting, though. The other half are based on how well he fits the very precise picture of Holmes I have inside my head! Cushing has the bursts of manic energy and the occasional undercurrents of suppressed humour I always look for in a Holmes -- ACD's Holmes isn't always cold and arrogant. Far from it! Nigel Stoke, meanwhile, is a perfectly decent Watson.
The adaptations are pretty faithful to the two stories, with some additions I enjoyed, including a few comic turns between Holmes and Watson. They also show a great deal of affection for each other throughout. There's a lovely scene in BLUE where Watson very shyly presents Holmes with a Christmas gift (of tobacco) and Holmes is flustered and overwhelmed. It seems terribly familiar, actually, but I've no idea where else I've seen or read it.
I was very upset to discover that the BBC has since managed to lose half the season's episodes. I presume they were taped over, like a lot of other stuff the BBC should REALLY have kept. (Dad's Army, I'm looking at you.)
So, anyone else seen and liked (or disliked) the Cushing episodes? Any recommendations for other fairly obscure Holmes adaptations? SH in the 22nd Century is definitely on my list, since this all started when I picked up a copy for a euro in a bargain basket!