On "Continuums"

Mar 11, 2006 12:29

The purpose of mechanics is to describe how bodies change their position in space with "time." I should load my conscience with grave sins against the sacred spirit of lucidity where I to formulate the aims of mechanics in this way, without serious thought to detail. Allow me to proceed to disclose these sins.

I stare out the window of a moving automobile which is travelling uniformly, and understand I am in motion. As long as I am convinced that all natural phenomena were capable of representation with the help of classical mechanics, there is no need to doubt the validity of movement. Nevertheless, the understanding of any system is relative to the truth of its own paradigms. That is, our truths are limited by our understanding. General motion is represented by the following: the automobile moves forward (by the rotation of its wheels) while the world is "static"; the world does not move backwards and, as a result, the automobile's wheels rotate. We understand this to be true, since it is unlikely the world shifts at our own desire, and shifts to our desires accordingly. Moreover, this truth becomes self-evident with more than one car, because the world could not accommodate two unique shifts, i.e. cars moving in opposite direction. Therefore, the world serves as our "truth" for the change in motion - principle of relativity.

I cannot be satisified by this principle.

In the first place, I am not typically staring out of a window, but, instead, I am blindfolded. If I meet someone, who is blindfolded as well, I assume they are in the car and travel with the same speed. At that moment in time, I tell them we're going 40 miles per hour, but, in reality, I have no idea. They blindly agreed with this speed, and let's say, it is because of trust. Now we have established "truth": we both are going 40 miles per hour. The problem begins when I'm not sure they're in the car. The trust in the system dies when I remove the blindfold to find them going 70 miles per hour in another car. I blindfold myself to cover, let us say, disappointment in the system. "40 miles per hour", I say, and 40 miles per hour they confirm. "Are you sure you haven't changed speeds?" I query. They reconfirm 40 miles per hour.

In principle, I don't want them to change, because I consider them my "truth" - something immutable and true. In reality, I'm just a reference point to their inevitable change - principle of relativity.
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