Jan 11, 2006 16:37
So, I was watchign this episode of House - never realyl saw it before, but it was on my tivo, so why not. It was about this 9 year old girl who was dying of cancer. Then she got even sicker for whatever reason and went in to the hospital ot see what was up. Well, in this episode not only did she have one type of cancer, but also a second and totally unrelated cancer. poor girl. The thing was they had to operate immediatly to get rid of the "new" cancer so she could live through the "old" cancer. But, the procedure was a coin toss, maybe she would survive - maybe she wouldn't. So, they show the operation, then they show her in her hospital bed, waking up from the anesthesia and her mom is there and its a tearful, lump-in-throat embrace that they share. What they don't show is how devestating that goodbye is. Which is good, because it shows how wonderful "hello's" are after that devestating goodbye. Just sorta makes you think about things... and this is what i sorted out from that show.
1) Nothing is promised to you. Tomorrow definately is not. So, why waste a moment? I had a friend - a very, very close friend who I was in a bit of a quarrel with. We hadn't spoken for a while and we're just getting back to be comfortable around each other. I knew we'd be fine as friends, but we were being stubborn and petty. He died in a car crash. It's haunted me ever since. This little girl was given a year to live... she was making the best of it, and one day they find a second cancer in her that needed immediate attention or she would die right there. Not even a year is guaranteed
2) We've all been down that road where somewhere we have wished someone out of our life, or maybe we have left someone's life without any real reason why. And, the question is, why did we do it? Yes, we know that we can make life happy no matter what we do. It's human nature to do that - afterall, who wants to be sad and miserable all their life? But, we also know that sometimes there are people in your life that you just cannot be without. Some people, that somehow or another just seem to touch you in ways that nobody else can. Life is happy - but life is happier with them. Like the picture of the little girl and her mom saying goodbye - preparing just incase something happened, ready to spend their lives without each other - and then that amazing thrill, that incredible sensation when they realized they didn't have to. Everyone affects you in different ways... keep the ones that you cannot be without.
It's weird - just a tv show, but somethigns there are just a lot of meanings to be found in them. But, why put yoruself in a position where you will regret your decisions? I think that's a word that people don't fully understand until it's upon them. "Regret" Because that implies that somewhere, you did something that is not repearable - and every day it haunts you. Maybe because I am living it, it's a bit closer to me. Maybe that is how I know it is something I would not wish even on my worst enemy. Today is for you... the people who make your world better, it's for you to celebrate them. No matter what.