New Job Hasn't Started Yet; Already Failing

Jan 29, 2021 14:55

Yesterday I had to go to the office and pick up the laptop for the new job. It was a pretty Mickey Mouse operation, which I expected, but even more half-assed than I expected.

They had my computer running and ready for me to log into and make sure I could access everything I needed. The password was on a post-it attached to a business card (this becomes important later). I texted my Covid compliance as requested; no one came to the door to meet me. I eventually walked in and waited (it was freaking cold outside) until someone collected the person I was meeting. He was on a call, so he basically walked me to the computer and said 'have at it'. I logged in, did a quick look around, met my actual boss (who told me she was pregnant, so I have until July to figure shit out), got them to install Zoom (he'd forgotten that key bit), and collected my stuff to leave.

My boss (Jen) had locked the door when she came in, and I couldn't open it again. So I set everything down (purse, laptop - password tucked inside, laptop stand) to fight with the door. Eventually Jen came to open it for me, and I quickly got everything, went back into the wind, and piled it all in the car.

I ran errands and when I got home, the house cleaner was there, so I didn't set up my computer until this morning.

By which time, I'd lost the password.

I checked everywhere, but I suspect in the frazzle to get out with my arms full, it slid out in the lobby or the parking lot.

End result? Before I've even started work, I've had to email/call for a password reset - and I haven't heard back yet.

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