Be patient with me!

Sep 20, 2007 17:19

One more doc idea and then I promise I won't talk about my thesis until October 4, the day I present my idea (PS: after I present my school friends and I are going out drinking. We have already decided).

Drinking water quality. I got a letter about two months ago from the government saying within the next year, they're going to be tearing up our front lawn to replace rusty pipes. I just found out from a friend that they tested DC Public School water and it all contained dangerous toxins. I found out from someone else at school that they require restaurants, by law, to filter all drinking water because it is otherwise toxic.

Uhhhhh, why has there not been a film on this? Potentially I could FILM the people replacing our pipes too...that is, assuming they keep to their schedule. bwahaha.


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