2005: Fic Year in Review

Jan 01, 2006 14:57

Now that it's officially '06, I guess it's time to figure out what all I wrote during 2005. 'Cause I'm anal like that. So...

  • Lines in the Sand-- [BtVS: Spike/Xander] January 9th, 2005
    A new vice for the new year-- this was my very first Buffy fic, and I think it actually turned out fairly well, despite some canon discrepencies. This was me getting a feel for these boys, so it's not terribly obvious slash, but it was fun.
  • Direct Sunlight, Gray Days-- [Harry Potter; Lily/Narcissa] January 17th, 2005
    A short Lily/Narcissa drabble, with accompanying fanart. It's short, but I like it. I just like this pairing, too-- so wrong, and yet so right! Probably one of my very favorite femslash pairings.
  • Sunlight in My Cradle-- [BtVS: Spike/Xander] February 9th, 2005
    Sequel to 'Lines in the Sand'-- someday, I need to write more in this universe. ^^; That, and a million other things.
  • Empty of Tomorrow (Chapter 1)-- [BtVS, Spike/Xander] March 5th, 2005
    This was fan, because I rarely write fics set in a future not already defined by the fandom. This is angsty Xander, with a heavy side of anime and sci fi influence. Whee.
  • Empty of Tomorrow (Chapter 2)-- [BtVS, Spike/Xander] April 19th, 2005
    Actually, I'd really like to finish this fic, too-- for once, I know just where it's going. *sheepish*
  • Just As Far To Go Back-- [BtVS, Spike/Xander] April 24th, 2005
    And here I thought I'd mostly broken myself of the bad habbit of starting projects way too ambitious for me to ever finish. Damn it. The intro worked out well, but I think the second half of this is sub-par. *frowns*
  • A Key to Something, Somewhere-- [Star Wars, Padme/Vader] May 24th, 2005
    After seeing Revenge of the Sith, I really needed to write something where Padme lived. Unfortunately, with Vader around, it could only have been twisted and scary. Oppsie. ^^
  • Each Shard of the Mirror I: I Am Become Death-- [Star Wars, Padme/Anakin] June 5th, 2005
    First in a series based on the theme 'Five Things That Never Happened to Padme Naberrie. Because Vader did attend that funeral, damnit.
  • Playing for Marbles-- [The 4400; gen, Maia and Diana] July 15th, 2005
    I sat down and forced myself to write this one, because I hadn't written anything in over a month, and I was starting to get antsy. ^^ It turned out okay, considering. Maia is one of my favorite characters from this series. Who doesn't love clairvoyant little girls?
  • Each Time You Tell The Story-- [BtVS, Spike/Xander] August 11th, 2005
    Spander, told from Dru's POV. Dru is way too much fun to write-- I'm really very pleased with this one. *hugs it*
  • All Your Dreams Dismantled-- [Battlestar, Boomer/Tyrol] August 13th, 2005
    OMG, it's het, run away...!! ^_~ I have a huge weakness for the warped angst of this pairing, I just can't help it. I never thought I'd write BSG fic, and look what happened!
  • Hold Fast-- [Battlestar, Boomer/Tyrol] August 29th, 2005
    Sequel to 'All Your Dreams...' Tyrol doesn't get enough love.
  • Each Shard of the Mirror II: A Final, Distant Shore-- [Star Wars, Padme/Anakin] September 14th, 2005
    I like writing TPM-era Padme/Ani friendship. The cuteness is somehow balanced by the sheer despair to come. X_x;;
  • Every Girl Who Shares My Face-- [Battlestar, Boomer/Tyrol]
    Creepy het pairing? Check. Amazing, tortured female character? Check. Japanese mythology? ... check. X_x;;
  • Do Not Wish To Be Rare Like Jade-- [Harry potter; Lily/Narcissa] November 16th, 2005
    This is the best femslash I've written in a long time.
  • Objects in Motion-- [Star Wars; Padme/Anakin] December 29th, 2005
    Written for Leia_N-- this was short, and actually written on command, but it turned out alright. Not great, but okay. Huh.
  • Forthcoming public posts: "Mechanic's Waltz" (Firefly, Kaylee/Inara) and "True Navigation" (Firefly, Gen; Simon and River)

Fandom Breakdown:
Battlestar Galactica: 3
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 6
Firefly: 2
Harry Potter: 2
The 4400: 1
Star Wars: 4

Unfortunately, I didn't finish any of my in-progress works this year, but other than that...

*smiles* You know, I owe you guys all so much, for all the feedback, support and help. My writing wouldn't have much of a purpose without you. *hugs tight* Particular thanks go to Leia_N, Leigh, and Amber, for betaing, bantering, and other assorted wonderfulness. ^__^

And, for some reason, I think there might be some Clex fic in my future... ^^;;;

harry-potter, firefly, star-wars, fanfiction, femslash, the-4400, battlestar, slash, buffy

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