Title: In Fair Verona
garneticePairing: Kendall/James, Kendall/Mercedes
Rating: M
Word Count: 4,176 (chapter nine)
Part: Nine of Thirteen
Previous Chapters:
8Warnings: Drinking, sex, guns, death, swords, violence, homophobia, sexism, a lot of isms.
Summary: "What are we doing?" Kendall asks, taking a shaky breath.
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Your Camille here is the definition of badass and wonderful and I adore that you have her as a soldier, rather than some crazy random screaming about revolution, which is what I feel like most writers would have her doing (but Ho doing it is awesome and so unexpected and that's what makes it even more incredible). I adore this incarnation of her and all she stands for and how she's so loyal and protective of the guys.
So, goes without sayin the ending's got me pissed. And also strangely happy because Kames smut and the famous Three Words, but pissed because of Camille's fate. And I know it's dystopian and they live in a fucked up violent world, but that doesn't make it hurt less. Damn...
Adored this update (painful deaths aside) and the imagery you created with your words and the poetry describing everything, brilliant as always. Fantastic job, hun. XOXOX.
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