Alright, guys, obviously I have a lot of catching up to do with all of you. I was on vacation for the past week and a half or so, and apparently I didn't tell anyone? Or I did, but only with abstract wording and a vague sense of conviction that may not have translated correctly. Kind of like my German language skills. Um. There will be a post about that. I spent the majority of my day in the Lisbon airport and/or on a TAP Portugal flight, and I'm struggling with a considerably large amount of exhaustion at the moment. But. BUT.
HARVESTFEST 2011 is happening. And if you haven't entered a prompt yet, WHAT IN THE NAME OF MOTHERLOVING EARTH ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Do you know what happens when I don't have prompts to fill? Beavers in the long lost forest of Sugarlandia? They die. They crawl under their dams and die. And then their beaver mothers have to go and cry, and WHY DO YOU WANT THE BEAVER MOMS TO CRY, GUYS? THEIR TEARS BRING ABOUT GLOBAL WARMING.
I have no idea what the fuck I'm talking about, because I've been awake for twenty four hours. I'm only standing thanks to a combination of four cups of coffee plus a few espressos plus some green tea ice cream. And oh wait, I'm not standing. I'm laying on my nice comfy bed. Okay. Well, then. My point still stands, at least, I think, and that is that you need to get your ass over here and prompt. You can do it anonymously. You can even fill anonymously. I'm inclined to think we'll accept fills via Tumblr and/or FFN, as long as you clear it with myself,
breila_rose, or
_kirbylicious_ first. We would make the appropriate links and everything of course, but right now that doesn't even matter. We're still in the prompting. AND IN CASE I HAVEN'T STRESSED THIS, YOU NEED TO PROMPT.
Why? Aside from crying beavers and crying me, this fest is sort of a testing ground for my end goal, which is to do a BTR Big Bang. (A Big Bang is like a fic fest with deadlines and an actual word count minimum. Aka, DON'T YOU ALL WANT TO SEE SOME FUCKING LONG FIC? BECAUSE I'M DESPERATE FOR IT. I WILL BEG YOU ON MY KNEES). I want this. Like. I can't stress enough how much I want this without offering to give all of fandom fellatio. But if this fic fest does not get a good turnout? Yeah, I'm not going to waste my time putting together a BB for you all, who I will then deem ungrateful bastards (not really, but kind of. I do get cranky without sleep. Apologies. But also not really, because the crankiness doesn't allow me to feel particularly apologetic.)
And really, what do you have to lose by prompting? You don't have to fill anything to prompt. And if you want to fill but A- don't know how (ART, ICONS, FANMIXES- ALL ACCEPTABLE. NO WORD MINIMUM. EVEN DRABBLES COUNT), B- would want an editor (I am always up for grabs.), or C- I don't remember what C was, but if one of you has questions, slap 'em in the comments section right here. Prompting is open by October 22nd. If you love me, you'll prompt. If you have no prompts but intend to fill something, let me know for my own peace of mind. If you creep on my journal- yes, I know you're out there, hi- do me a favor? Advertise on your journal or Tumblr or Twitter or ffn or whatever. Pretty please? Also, dudes, no need to lurk. I love you for being here.
Halloween is like, my favorite holiday aside from Christmas and that month where I become empress of the world, otherwise known as my birthtime. Make a young girl's holiday dream come true. It would mean so much to me.
And the beavers.