(no subject)

Jan 31, 2011 22:44

Facebook is the most ridiculous thing in the entire world. And no, this is not me fangirling over the Social Network or jewnicorns or anything of the like.

This is- okay. So.

Did you all know I'm like, not even close to one of the original members of facebook, but I've been a member since very, very early in 2005. Which is longer than most of my friends/people I know. I'm actually reasonably sure that when I got mine, it was still 'The Facebook', and then changed like a month or two after I set up my account. Which makes sense; I'm one of those bitchy BU girls (although I've been having an ongoing debate with friends about that. Can I still be offended if I was only a BU girl for a year and a halfish?)

Not the point, actually. The point is, I used to use it all the time to stay in touch with friends and shit- like, it WAS exclusive, and it was cool, and it was mostly cool because most people I knew didn't have one. The second they let high school kids on, and then normal people, I kind of stopped using it. Not because I hate high school kids or normal people- just, I suddenly had too many people to talk to- not just kids in my classes, but people I could barely remember or freaky strangers or whatever. It was suddenly MySpace. And then there were games and god, I actually kind of hate Facebook, and only use it as an alternative to texting and to store pictures. LOTS OF PICTURES.

My mini feed consists of people I care very little about. And it has a mind of it's own; for instance, it keeps showing me the status updates of this guy. HEREIN WE FIND THE POINT.

I met him at this special smart people convention I went to in high school. And by special smart people convention I mean I was kind of shocked when I got picked, so I think intelligence was only one qualifier- because I'm intelligent, but I went to a school where all classes were honors. No one gave a whit about brains alone, and I certainly wasn't the top of my class. Way too lazy.

Anyway, other schools like mine were housed at the hotel in Worcester (haha Massachusetts, the original home of facebook, you see it's like fate, taunting me. WHERE'S MY DRAGON?) and there were these two guys I thought were super hot. Now, I don't know if I've mentioned on here (probably, because it's one of my favorite stories), but I kind of got this rep as (one of the) class whores by my senior year, and I'm not entirely sure how it happened, because I'd never kissed anybody. I rarely even liked anyone enough to consider it. SO. The fact that I thought these two guys from a Medical Science school and a Media oriented school were hotties was kind of like, delicious.

And then one of them asked me to his prom. Or like, winter dance, which was as close as we came. And it was freaky weird, because I'd only ever gone to dances with friends who I kind of used as dates because I knew they liked me but I just wanted a date and YEAH, I'm a bad person and totally digressing.  TL;DR, it was awesome, I had a surprisingly good time despite the awkwardness, the guy was cute, and then, when he walked me to my porch I didn't have a clue what to do. I think he wanted to kiss me, in retrospect, but I kind of freaked out and hugged him and darted inside. We'd talked on aim in between the con and the dance, but we kind of...stopped, after that.

Fast forward to college and facebook and I decide to friend him. This is the only person other than my childhood bffle in California I've ever done that to. I'm just like I am 'round these parts- I either wait for people to add me, or I let people talk me into adding them when I'm drunk. Capiche?

Fast forward to now. The guy, while not as cute, keeps posting updates about concerts he's seeing and shows he's watching. WE LIKE ALL THE SAME MUSIC. ALL OF IT. This was not something I knew. My last boyfriend only listened to rap, which is fine, and my current one likes old school emo shit or Hindi, which I'm cool with, but this guy likes the stuff I listen to ALL THE TIME.


...I think I made a terrible, terrible mistake not kissing him that night, man. -sighs-

And before any of you encourage me to overcome my painful shyness and start talking to him again instead of our sole link being my mini feed, NO. He has a girlfriend. Girlfriends and me don't uhhhh...click so well.

As in, they take one look at me and think I'm about to steal their boyfriend away. Half of my oldest male friends haven't talked to me in years because they're not allowed. My bffle's girlfriend thought that we were hiding our secret love (which is the most gagworthy thought in the entire universe. I love the kid, but he's hideous). I don't know what the fuck it is. I used to be a huge fucking flirt, but that's long past, and the only time I even dress provcatively is if I'm going out to the city. Apparently my face screams slut, idek...Parents aren't huge on me either, for entirely different reasons (I was too independent? That is the reason I kept receiving. Because I had no curfew? Idek, I was always super polite) although that hasn't been a problem since I reached the age of majority and am no longer required to interact with my friends' 'rents.

...That possibly turned out more ranty than I meant it to. Summary: Facebook is waving a boy in front of my face. We're both taken. He doesn't know I exist. The end.

fanmix junkie, slutty slutty bang bang, tv: fringe, facebook promotes stalkers, epic joygasm

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