We Be Pimpin'

Nov 02, 2010 19:37

Title: Shut Your Eyes
Authors: goten0040 and garnetice
Chapter: 6
Rating: M
Ship(s): Kendall/James, Carlos/Stephanie, maybe more.
Summary: Future!Fic. Kendall returns to L.A. six years after Big Time Rush disbanded. James has been missing for years. Imagine how things change when James reappears in his life. And he needs help.
Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Found here.

I'm such a ditz- I wrote chapter five on the two pimp posts I did for the btr comm and the palmwoods. I'm decently sure the mods think I'm retarded. Ahem.

Speaking of retarded, I just got this ring, and there's a huge crack running down the middle. The people who sold it to me are trying to convince me it's natural, and even went so far as to be like, we just contacted the artist and she says it is. I'm like no. So I finally went around them and directly contacted the artist myself, and we'll see if she's like send that bitch back. Because it cost way too much to be keeping one that's damaged. And they sure as hell better let me directly exchange it or return it, or I'm driving up to Pennsylvania myself and bitch slapping the owner of this store. Like, I know they don't have another one, but they better order it up or something, because I hate everything else that specific store carries. Usually small boutiques are so good about this stuff.

But I'm impatient, and I'm like, I want this issue resolved TONIGHT. That's not going to happen, but still. BLEURGH.

My day was going so well until I noticed that crack. Election day is awesome. You know why? NO WORK.

I get Veteran's day off, too. :)

But I'd still be happier if I knew I hadn't blown half my paycheck on fucked up jewelry. EMAIL ME BACK PAMELA LOVE, DO IT.

brand name addiction, fic: i write it

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