Apr 09, 2010 03:51
TV Roundup for the road? I think we shall...
The most recent episode of Bones had me loling, although I think the whole having them sit in Sweets's office to retell their first meeting was contrived. I hadn't realized how much I missed the dynamic between Zack and Hodgins, and I kind of loved Angela being all ditzy. I'd kind of assumed she'd known Brennan for a long time, and it was nice to find out that actually their friendship is relatively new. And Bones/Booth kiss!!! BUT- the ending sucked ass. Like...I get that the writers want to draw out them hooking up for realz as long as humanly possible, but they totes could have put it off and not have that craptastic let's-just-be-friends-because-I'm-a-commitmentphobe THING. I'm a commitmentphobe, and I know a thing or two about it, and having that conversation never wraps up so nicely.
South Park! Oh, South Park. I wasn't really impressed with Medicinal Fried Chicken. There was a nice amount of Cartman, but way too much Randy imho. I love the man, don't get me wrong, but he's better in small doses. The Caprica reference was win, however. You Have 0 Friends I liked. It was cute. There was plenty of style, which was adorable, and I've always liked Stan-centric episodes. He might secretly be my favorite character, even though I'll always claim it's Kenny or Kyle if pressed. Speaking of Kenny, where the fuck has he been? We need a Kenny episode!
Gossip Girl- I'll say this once, producers. Stop fucking with my ship.
Melrose Place- uhhhhhhhhhh, I don't really have anything to say about this, except that I fail to see what use Ella and David will get out of Amanda's painting fetish, and isn't there still that whole embezzlement thing to take care of? And poor, poor Drew. Plus, I'm getting sick of Riley again. I like Jonah, a lot, and I feel for his epic little romance and the fact that he can't get over her, but...just....why? Warm and fluffy and unbearably kind has never been something I've liked in a character, especially when that character is so firm on her own moral highground. Which she has none of, I might add.
Castle- I enjoy this show. 'Nuff said.
I could blather on about more Things I Watch, but I seriously doubt anyone's interested. I was dragged on a shopping expedition in Freehold this afternoon, which turned out rather well- a pair of ripped skinny Guess jeans, a Lucky Brand bracelet and necklace (not matching), some Urban Decay stardust eyeshadow, and some Lorac blush (the sales lady tried to pimp out the Urban Decay blush, and I was originally gunning for the Smashbox O-Glow stuff. Stupid Sephora with it's stupid sales), and a pair of Hudson jeans and a Ralph Lauren rugby sweater that I will apparently share joint custody with my mother. The jeans fit me better, but she's wanted Hudson jeans for like, eternity, apparently. She claims she's going to shrink them, which will make them not fit me anymore and I shall be sad.
Bofa also fucked me. Before my outing to NYC the other day, I had eighty nine dollars in my bank account. I spent twenty on the train, twenty on dinner at Dhaba, and like, three on a Krispy Kreme. I also spent ten bucks at Buffalo Wild Wings at work the other day. Anyway, at Sephora I call up and get told I have...eighty nine dollars. So I'm like...uhhhhh, okay. And spend my money. Then I get home and check out my bank account to find that I indeed have fifty one left. Which is WRONG. Because I paypaled a Wildfox Couture sweater the other day- it already shipped out, and pre NYC the payment had already cleared as far as I saw. Now it's not anywhere on my transaction report, despite the fact that FedEx tracking places it in Chicago.
Long story short, with shipping the sweater was fifty seven, so I had to run to Belmar at eleven at night to deposit twenty bucks or I'd end up being five dollars short when the thing clears again.
Fucking bank.
Also, I am currently reading The Dead Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan. While I find Gabry infinitely more obnoxious than Mary was in The Forest of Hands and Teeth, I find Catcher and Elias more compelling than Travis and Harry were. Plus- the plot is muchly improved. I'm about halfway through.
Now I must sleep, because I'm working eight hours tomorrow, some of which will involve catering to some kind of Girl Scout speech thing. My new, tiny boss claims if any of the speakers don't show up, I can talk, since I was once, long ago, a Girl Scout. I'm like, okay, right, I'll go up and talk about how the Girl Scouts suck ass for not letting me into a troop when I first moved to NJ, making sure I was socially isolated and unable to fulfill my dream of actually ever wearing my shiny new green sash. Assholes.
My head hurts.
everybody needs a little style,
tv: castle,
tv: melrose place,
south park,
tv: bones,
i'm a little ya,
tv: gossip girl,
work sucks