Bandom, Injuries, and Books

Jan 24, 2010 02:47

I don't understand bandom. I just don't. The appeal is lost on me.

And don't you people dare bring up joick, because that is not bandom. In my head, I pretend it all pertains to the show. So there.

That doesn't really explain kevron or slashing David Henrie with anyone, but okay.

Continuing onwards, I hurt my knee and I haven't the faintest clue how. It feels like I twisted it, but I exercised last night, and it didn't hurt until about seven thirty tonight. Sooo...any takers? It really fucking hurts, too.

There's a new girl working in security, and I find it amusing- she's kind of like me; tough, obviously a guy-girl; except the kind who likes sports, unlike moi. But she was flirting and trying to assert herself immediately with all the security dudes, which is actually more of a girl tactic, I think. She also completely ignores me, which I won't lie- I do it back, but only because I can already tell that she's going all alpha wolf and trying to show me that the security guys like her better which; who cares? They're all mostly ugly, dude. Basically, this gives me eons of discomfort and muffled laughter, so there's that.

Books. I do not have time to write book reviews. I just don't. But I'll do brief...whatever paragraphs about the two I just finished.

Catching Fire- you all already know my fascination here. I love these books. I cannot wait for the third one. I've read that people are referring to Catching Fire as a sophomore slump for the author,which totally isn't true. It's just as good as the Hunger Games, if not slightly better because of the deeper characterization.

I like- the involvment of the Quarter Quell, the increased interaction with Peeta and Gale, Finnick- god I shall completely go off base and start shipping Katniss/Finnick, and the political intrigue. I also liked the fact that Katniss's denseness was realistic; it didn't annoy me like it does with certain other people (Bianca in Evernight, hint hint).

I did not like- the fast pace- each segment could have had it's own book, but I understand why the author didn't do so; it just had a slightly weird flow to it, but I appreciate that she was trying to show the passage of time. I also didn't like the mention of weddings and babies for a seventeen year old girl- BUT the fact that they were tricks and that Katniss despised their mention was golden, and even if they hadn't been at least the time period and setting would have made me lenient. But still, babies in fiction make me queasy.

Wondrous Strange- ah, another Faery book. I think the woman who wrote this is a decent author. She is. She had a way with phrasing things that was impressive. However, I think the idea of Faeries in New York is beyond overdone; I'm sick of Faery royalty appearing in books, I'm sick of people finding out they're the lost princess/niece/changeling/fourthcousintwiceremoved of some royal person, or that they are in love with princes and princesses or whatever. I've been guitly of this in Faery stories myself, so I understand how easy it is to slip into a formula, and to the author's credit, I liked Sonny. And I almost kind of liked Kelley. The characterization could have used some work though, and the plot- gah, don't get me started. Still the author had more potential than that chick who does the Lost Queen books, or Melissa Marr, and if there wasn't a whole burgeoning faerie subgenre, I would compare her to Holly Black back in the days when people didn't know who Holly Black was. But there is, so she's just another voice in the crowd.

Plus who the fuck says my firecracker, my heart when describing their beloved? TELL ME WHO? I can't stand this sentimental old school romantic crap.

Then again I can't ship a couple unless I see they possess the ability to have a raw, visceral connection. None of that sweet and gentle crap. C'est la vie.

And oh god, one more work story. The ex rep who comes around every once in a while invited me to a club two nights from now, and I just kind of stared at her. I feel bad, but she's this bisexual metalhead type of girl who never wears makeup or anything in fashion, and it feels like reverting to high schoo, when girls like her did gravitate towards me, often.

I have NO idea why. I'm artsy, a little edgy, and listen to indie rock. What about that screams, hey, come hit one me/attempt to take me to a thrash metal concert? Even if I was into girls, I'd like them the same way I like my boys- intelligent, hilarious, sexy enough to interest me, and hardcore into partying. I have never liked a metalhead. I could, but probably not if they're wearing scary band t-shirts and listening to it twenty four seven.

Shay-Z's into classic rock, but that is an entirely different thing.

And let's see, Joe likes what...folk music?, Paul likes indie rock, Jay likes rap, Nic likes rap, Nakul likes...shit, emo and house? All of which genres I like/have liked at some point. Okay, I'm rambling about absolutely nothing- ex boyfriends, hookups, and crushes musical taste? 

boyfriend, stupid the ex, work sucks

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