New Year's Eve

Jan 02, 2010 21:30

Oh dear. So how was everyone's New Year? Mine is now referred to as the Night I Don't Recall, because, well, I don't recall much of it. That's a lie, I recall right up until one o clockish. Maybe slightly earlier.

Those last four hours though; total blackout.

I had a Swagger-Like-Us worthy drinkstravaganza. Which is unfortunate because I believe I'm never going to live it down. According to Dora, she dropped me off at five-ish, but my mother was unawake. When I saw my mother much later- the following night after seven hours of hungover hell- I mean, work, she said 'no shit' to be me being hungover. I took that initial comment as her remarking on me drinking so much when she was still there and then getting home so late...but then I found a set of bangles from India which had been sitting on the bathtub ledge sitting on a damp papertowel with a few other assorted bits of jewelry that I'd actually been wearing. Plus, the bathtub got a total scrubdown, which I'd assumed was mom being all spring cleanish, but perhaps not? I'm terrified to ask- like, hey mom, did I puke on everything is not a question I'm comfortable bringing up.

Plus, I don't want to face the mockery I'm sure to get when I next talk to my aunt/uncle/father. I'm quite worried that I'm never invited back to our family friend's house again- not only did I get myself suitably bombed, but I invited the people in questions' sick son to do so as well.

God, when I fuck up, I really set myself to the task.

I was punished by a divine hand though- yesterday I was more hungover than I've been in YEARS. The last (and only other) time I got that bad was fall semester, sophomore year at BU.

Don't get me wrong, I've blacked out/been hungover between then and now, but not so late into the night.

This lack of self-control worries me. Okay, well not really- if I'd gotten drunk like this with my friends it would be hilarious (the malls cops making fun of me during my hangover was pretty funny), but getting drunk with a perfect stranger (and a friend) and then coming back to my family- not so much.

I think I worry too much about humiliation. My mom seems fine, despite my fear that she's going to be all haha-sucks-to-be-you. Hopefully the remainder of the family/sick kid's 'rents will be the same. Everything will work itself out. Probably. Most likely. I hope.

mom, family

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