May 12, 2005 22:31
First Name: Meghan
Where you live: Grand Island, NY
Single: Yep. ^_^
Age: 19
Birthday: August 2
Sign: Leo
------------------HAVE/DO YOU/ARE YOU-----------------
* Flown on a plane: Never
* Traveled by Train: Yes. I heart trains.
* Rode a Bike: Duh? Yes.
* Drove to another state: I haven't driven there personally, but Chris took me to see Damien Rice in Ohio
* Ever been so drunk you blacked out: Nope. Never been drunk.
* Ever been the designated driver: Yes, haha
* Missed school because it was raining: I'm sure I used that as an excuse
* Missed school because it was snowing: Hello?! We live in WNY! Of course we have snow days!
* Missed school because of tornado warning: Not that I can remember.
* Told a guy that you liked them?: Yes
* told a Girl that you liked them?: Lol, yeah.
* Put a body part on fire for amusement: Nope.
* Put someone elses body part on fire for amusement: No. That's sick.
* Had a crush on a friends girlfriend/boyfriend:Yes
* Had a crush on a friends mother/father: EWWW!
* Had a crush on a friends brother or sister: Yes
* Been hurt emotionally: Yes
* Been hurt physically: Yep
* Had an imaginary friend: ::shrugs:: I don't remember.
* Had an imaginary friend who is still your friend: No.
* Wanted to hook up with a friend: Yeah.
* wanted to un-hook up with a friend: Yeah.
* been on stage: Yes I have!
* been a drama queen: At times
* been a diva: At times
* Had your hair cut by a stylist: yes
* cut your hair yourself: yes.
* Had a crush on a teacher? no
* Had a crush on a principal: no
* Run away: nope
* Picture your crush naked: Who hasn't?
* skipped school: Yeah.
* skipped school to stay home and watch talk shows: No.
* Skipped school to stay home and watch soap operas: No.
* Regret skipping school cause all your friends went: No.
* Broken someone's heart: probably
* Been in love: I dont know.
* Cried when someone died: Yep.
* Laughed when someone got hurt in a stupid way: Of course.
* Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: Yes.
* Wanted someone you didnt know at all: yes.
* Done something embarrassing: Yeah.
* Done a drug: nope
* Done a lot of Drugs: No.
* Fallen for your best friend?: no
* Fallen on your best friend: Yeah, I'm klutzy.
* Made out with JUST a friend?: Yeah. MMC!!!
* Kissed two people in the same day?: I'm a lip slut!^_^
* Kissed two people at the same time: No.
* Had sex with two different people in the same day?: No.
* Had sex with two different people at the same time: No.
* Been rejected: Uhm...yeah.
* Used someone?: no
* Used someone for sex: No
* Cheated on someone?: no
* Cheated on someone with their best friend: no
* Been cheated on?: yes
* Been kissed?: Duh.
* Done something you regret?: Yeah.
* Stolen anything?: yes
* Smoke?: no
* Smoke toke: no
* Schizophrenic?: I say no. They say yes.
* Obsessive?: Yes.
* Compulsive?: Yes.
* Panic?: Yes.
* Anxiety?: Yes.
* Depressed?: Yes
* Sat by the phone waiting for a phone call all night: no
* Wish you were someone else: Yep.
* Wish you were something else: Yep.
* Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: yes hahaha
* Wish you were an animal or mineral or vegetable: Yeah...
* wish you had another name? Yeah, I hate my name.
* Talk about yourself in a third person format: occasionally
* Wear perfume: no *tear*
* Kiss: Duh!
* Cuddle: Yes.
* Color your hair? Yep.(its called purple passion baby!)
* Have tattoos?: Yes.
* Have piercings?: Yes.
* Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: No.
* Own a webcam?: Nope.
* Own a thong?: Tons.
* Own flip flops that used to be refered to as thongs: no.
---------------BELEIVE IN--------------
* Yourself: No.
* Your friends: yes
* Destiny/Fate: Yep.
--------FRIENDS ------------------
* Do you like anyone? Yes.
* Do you hate anyone: Yes.
* Do you hate someone so much that you wish they would just stop breathing: Yes.
* Which one of your friends acts the most like you? Jacquie
* Which one of your friends do you act like? Jacquie?
* Who have you known the longest of your friends: ummmmm
* Who's the loudest: Me? Jacquie?
* Who's the shyest: him maybe
* Who's the weirdest?: me probably
* Who do you hang out with the most? everyone
* Who made you cry the most: no one recently
* Makes you laugh the most: everyone
* Makes you smile: everyone
* Can make you feel better no matter what: Ian / Delene
* Has A Crush On You: ::shrugs:: I dunno.
* You Have A Crush On Someone: Yes.
* Let's walk in the: park
* Let's run through: pale moonlight
* Let's look at the: stars.
* What a nice: smile.
* Where did all the:cowboys go?
* When will they:come back ?
* How are:you?
* Why can't you:give me a chance
* Silly, little: freak
* Show me some: lovin
* the sky is: beautiful
* Tell me:a secret
* Hide me: in your heart
* I hate your stupid:jokes.
* My mom thinks you're: cool
* He's not:worth my time
* Are you that: wierd
-------WHICH IS BETTER-------
* Coke or Pepsi: Coke
* Sprite or 7UP: Sprite.
* Girls or Guys: Guys.
* Scruff or Clean shaved: Clean shaved.
* Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes
* Tall or Short: tall
* Pants or Shorts: Pants.
* Night or Day: Night.
* Summer/Winter:summer
* spring/fall: fall
* Lace or Satin: both
* Clean or Dirty: Dirty...::devilish grin::
* Fat or thin: Average.
* Big Boobs or small: I have small boobies...
* Your Good Luck Charm: the ring my ian gave me
* Best Thing That Has Happened: i got my job back ^_^
* Color: depends
* Movie: too many
* Artist: Seth.
* Cars: mini
* Ice Cream: soft serve twist
* Season: Summer.
* Breakfast Food: pancakes.
* best feeling in the world: cuddling
* Worst Feeling: Being alone
* Cartoon Character: meatwad/brian the dog
* Food:mmmmmmmmmm food
* Drink: depends
* sport: lol....curling! and hockey
* Video Game: old school mario bros
* Store: ummm
* Shoes:none
* Pants:walmart joarache jeans
* Underwear: little boys tighty whitey
* Guilty Pleasure: lost, qaf.
------THE LAST TIME YOU...-----
* Showered: earlier...ummm five ish
* Stepped outside: when i was coming inside, 1030ish
* Had Sex: ages ago....with
* Romantic memory: *sigh*
* You slow danced: dont remember
* ate cookies in bed: ummmm
* Played Video Games: months ago.
* Read for the joy of reading: today on break
* Called someone just to say nothing: today
* went on a date: dont rememeber
* Flipped someone off: dont remember
* Went to the bathroom: Half hour ago.
* got a check up: Uhm...I don't remember.
* Saw your dentist: ahahhahahahaHAHAHAHAAHA!
* Cleaned your room: lol long time ago!
* Lied for the hell of it: Meh.
* Was brutally honest: Always.
* You touched?: azure
* You talked to?: mommy
* You hugged?: the group, at lazertron
* you instant messaged?: chris smith
* You kissed?: the group, at lazertron
* You yelled at?: Pthe douch in the truck that tried to kill me
* You thought about? *him* ^_^
* Who text messaged you?: evan
* Who broke your heart?: meh
* who told you they loved you?: meh
---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
* Laughed: Yep.
* Cried: Yep.
* Worn jeans: yep
* Met someone New online: Nope.
* Done laundry: Nope.
* Drove a car: Yep.
* Talked on the phone: Yep.
* Kissed someone: On the cheek.
* Said "I love you": nope
* Ate sushi: Nope.
-----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
* Wearing: snap pants, donnie darko shirt
* Eating: Nothing.
* Drinking: coke
* Thinkin about: work tomorrow...qaf....going out after close *crosses fingers*
* Listening to: er
* On your desk: LoTR: nothing reall
* Person/persons talking to online: chris