Jun 09, 2010 00:02
- 06:42 Kitties get groomed today! Sooo cute and terrorrized! #
- 07:29 Lesson learned: unfriend bigots on facebook. Do not engage them because it will be maddening since all their friends are bigots too #
- 08:33 And the #cta makes me late #
- 09:21 Pet peeve: calling me by the name I gave you for a mailing address and not the name I sign my emails with #
- 09:24 For all you know I could be having stuff mailed to a friend or relative. #
- 13:30 Daily tip:Just because someone has a Dr. before their name doesn't mean they know anything abt sex #
- 14:01 Naptime? #
- 14:24 Damn! Moving 2 months too late RT @courtneytrouble I will be hosting a HUGE Pride Party here in SF June 27th. queerlybeloved.blogspo #
- 15:16 Planning a girlie movie marathon w coworkers. Should be lots of fun #
- 16:30 On the bus home to take kitties to the groomer. They are NOT going to like the rain #
- 18:23 Kitties are at the groomer probably biting and scratching for their little lives. And we are at Panera eating and working. #
- 18:44 Having a difficult time focusing which makes working difficult. I loved 7 mins in heaven 1, but I dont' really want to review it. #
- 20:10 Researching plane travel w cats. Too bad pet airways doesn't fly to SFO #
- 20:28 Time to go pick up our tortured kitties! #
- 21:26 And now the kitties obsessively clean themselves #
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