May 31, 2010 00:03
- 08:43 Ugh high of 89 today. Not exactly the weather I wanted for the bbq today #
- 10:33 Ok I guess I should start preparing the noms #
- 10:59 Bacon cheddar tatlets pre baking: I'm not good at making vegetarian food #
- 11:16 And after #
- 13:03 My wife is topless and covered in crumbs #
- 16:26 I'm hungry. People need to get here so we can start cooking! #
- 17:43 Eating watermelon and grapes outside w friends #
- 18:10 Mmm grilled corn #
- 21:49 Guests have gone. Watching mamma mia #
- 23:39 I always forget how much I love watermelon #
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