On the Third Day of Christmas, Garnet gave to me...
TITLE: Transporter
AUTHOR: Garneteve
RATING: PG (small amount of swearing)
COMMENTS: Radek and Rod McKay are stuck in a transporter.
(Rod McKay is even with 3 others at 7 votes. This character was chosen using a random number generator)
Oh god, how long was it going to be before they got out of here already! Radek thought to himself for the fortieth time in as many mintues.
"And if Sheppard does that stupid eyebrow thing once more," Radek heard Rod say, continuing his monologue that had been going for most of the forty minutes they'd been stuck in the transporter, "I mean, have you seen it? It's like he's Spock or something."
"And let me tell you, he's so not Spock. Spock was logical, and on time, and...and not slouching everywhere he went."
Radek sighed, here we go again...still, he thought.
"Can that man even stand up straight? He's like a walking slouch. All shoulders going 'hunch', like that...see, Radek?" Rod made hunched over shoulders, his lower lip going out in a pout, "Just like that. He slouches just like that everywhere he goes."
"And your Sheppard is exactly the same, do you realise. Only here? It's not so much talk. The man never shuts up from where I'm from."
Radek rolled his eyes.
"He's constantly harping on about how smart he is. Okay, he's smart, but he's not a genius. Okay, he may qualify for Mensa...but have you seen that hair! Now, I'm a genius. Sheppard? Can't get him to do anything until he's had at least four coffees every morning."
"Is your Sheppard like that? I try and take him for a run, but it only slows me down. He'll whine and complain and bitch about how his back is killing him, when he's all talk. You know what?"
Rod kept on talking, without waiting for Radeks' answer.
"I've seen him. He gets his bottle of water, and splashed it a little at his neck, so it looks like he's been working out hard, but all it is? Water!"
Radek jumped at the suddenly different voice, coming from the radios.
"We're fixing the transporter doors from the outside right now. We'll have you out in a few minutes."
And the radio clicked off.
Rod went straight into another monologue.
"You know, if that was me, I'd have had us out of here in half the time it took your guys. Not to put you down or anything, but...genius here."
As soon as the doors opened, Radek had fled, speeding down the hall at a near sprint.
"Radek!" Rod shouted after him, poking his head around the transporter door, seeing the smaller man round the corner in a flurry of lab coat, "Radek!"
He looked up at Rodney, and just shrugged.
"Must've been something I said."