Title: Now, Doctor...
Author: Garneteve
Rating: PG/ bordering on M for mention of bits
Authors Notes: Just a silly pic-fic comment. This pic is something straight from the ep.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything except for a piece of old chewed chicken between my teeth.
Warnings: None really.
Summary: Rodney is trying to talk Carson into something that Carson doesn't really want to do.
"Come on, Carson, you gotta help me with this!"
"Rodney," Carson whined, trying to pull back from the hands holding his lab coat tightly, "I don't think this will solve anything."
"Of course it will," Rodneyr eplied, adjusting his fingers, getting a better grip on the white, crisp, linen scented lab coat, and damnit, Rodney had to talk himself out of the fact, "I need to know if I'm gay or not, and you're going to help me do that."
Carson nearly sqeaked in disbelief, doubling his efforts to get free of Rodney's deathgrip, "No I don't, Rodney, look, just let go, and um, we'll get, we'll try and get some gay porn, and you can work, uh, out that way?"
"Not gunna happen, Carson," Rodney leant in to press his chest up against the Doctor, "Porn isn't going to do it, and you're my best, ok, second best friend in Atlantis, so..."
"So go do it to your first best friend and leave me alone!" Carson raised his voice.
"Major Sheppard!" Rodney said, disbelief clouding his eyes, "Well I supposed that could work, but he's military, and I don't think that would work, but you...you..."
"Will you get off my back if I do this?" Carson asked, having run out of options to distract the scientist.
"If I am wrong, yes. Now open up and say 'ahhh'."