Avi Works on His Courage

Sep 09, 2003 15:35

Avi has decided he's safe here and can answer more questions.

Questionnaire #7 - Best and Worst
What's the worst thing that's ever happened to you?

I can't answer this honestly - having not yet completely lived my life, I cannot judge a "worst ever." Bad things happen. It's inevitable.

What's the best thing that's ever happened to you?

See answer above. Good things inevitably happen, as well.

Who is your worst enemy?

"Enemy" is too strong a concept for anyone I actually know personally. Historically, I'd have to say Adolph Hitler. Or Nebuchadnezzer. Or anyone who has sought to destroy the Jewish people.

Who is your best friend?

Toss up between the Gang of Three as a unit and Dani.

Tell us about your worst kiss.

I don't have enough kisses in my history to answer this question.

Tell us about your best kiss.

See above answer.

Questionnaire #8 - Mornings
What time do you wake/get up?

Between 6:15 and 6:30, unless the job is sufficiently far away that I have to get up and out earlier.

What's the first thing you do upon waking?

Put on my glasses and my kippah.

Are you a morning person?


What is your typical morning like?

Depends on where I'm working. But typical is get up, daven, shower, dress, then have breakfast unless I decide I should leave and take breakfast with me.

Do you drink coffee?

Yes, in moderation.

Do you need coffee?

No. But I enjoy the flavor. So I have one cup per work day. And, more recently, I find myself drinking coffee with Dani.

Questionnaire #9 - Are you?
Are you...




Not often.


People have said I am.


*blushes deeper*

*whispers* Dani tells me I am.


Of some things, and not of others. I'm learning more and more frequently where my weaknesses lie in terms of capabilities.


Only to those unwilling to do the research sufficient to support their own arguments.

Questionnaire #10 -- Marks
Do you have any scars?

Yes. Appendectomy scar from about five years ago.

Do you have any piercings?


Do you have any tattoos?


Do you have any other markings?

A couple of random moles. That's about it.

Do you wear any jewellery?


Have you ever broken any bones?

Broke my ankle my first year at YU.

Broke my right arm in high school. Thankfully, it's not my dominant hand.
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