Avi takes another stab at a questionnaire

Jul 30, 2003 13:06

This is one he's already answered, but he'd like to revise some of his answers...

Questionnaire #6 - Sex

Are you a virgin? Now, remind me, please - who is reading these answers?

Only trusted friends. Don't worry - they won't judge you for your answers.

Are you sure?

Avi, everyone reading this only wants the best for you and Dani. So...please answer the question.

Yes, but I hope to rectify this eventually. Sooner rather than later, as well.

Do you mate for life? I don't honestly know yet. Like I said before, I'd like to think that I do.

Who was your first lover? (or, if you are a virgin -- Who would you like your first lover to be?) Dani. No question. I don't think I'd trust anyone else to be as understanding as Dani has been.

Who is your current lover? I still don't have one, but see above.

What is your favourite sexual position? *blush* At the moment, I don't have enough information to answer this question. I'm doing research, though, and I'm beginning to get an understanding of what interests me and what doesn't. I hope to get the opportunity to explore, though I don't know how I'll summon the courage to ask Dani to let me explore and experiment.

Avi, knowing Dani, he'll let you explore and experiment all you want. All you have to do is ask.

Yeah, but that's the hard part. Asking for what I want, telling him explicitly what I want to try with him. It scares me no end.

But then how do you expect to get what you want?

That's the problem, now, isn't it?

What are your kinks? I don't know if I'd call it a kink, per se, but Dani's voice does things to me I can't understand. He...oh, this is so embarrassing. Never mind.

Come on, Avi - you wouldn't have asked to redo these questions if you didn't want to say something, would you have?

You're right. I just...it's just too...

Slow down, take a deep breath.

Thanks...that helped.

So, you were telling me about Dani's voice.

Right. OK. He's got this deep register he can shift his voice into when he wants to, and it does things to me. It arouses me instantly, even if he isn't saying anything particularly arousing. He could tell me in that voice to pass the ketchup and I'd be aroused in an instant. Even just thinking about that voice now is doing things to me, to my body, that I still haven't figured out how to handle. But I want to figure it out. And I want to know what else that voice can do to me, given the opportunity.

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