Weekly Happy Post: Operation Convention -insert fangirl mode here-

Jul 31, 2009 11:44

This is going to be short and sweet; I have a lot to do today and not a lot of free time because...

1) Otakuthon is happening ♥ !! Oh, the joy of living close enough to an anime convention spot that I can just walk down to it... There's a slew of awesome events happening again this year, with classics like the masquerade ball and the Saturday Night fireworks/dance, and a whole bunch of panels and screenings I'm really looking forward to. There's even going to be a JE panel again this year (I may pop my head in just for a look, but Arashi was very much under-represented last year :-/). I'm not dressing up today (need to be in comfortable clothes so I can chase down all the potential Vocaloid cosplayers who are going to be there (>w<) ...for pictures, of course), but tomorrow, I will be in full EGL lolita regalia. If there's anyone else in the Montreal area coming (aside from Cat), do let me know so we can meet up for some dorky fun.

Con report + pictures will be coming either Monday or Tuesday next week, depending on how long it takes me to sleep off the exhaustion. おたのしみに!

2) Class finished on Wednesday, which is just as well, because all the sleep deprivation was not doing me any good. It was a great class though, that left me with a lot to think about teaching wise, even though I don't know how long it might be before I actually turn to education as a career.

3) ...I'm sure there was something else, but the con is kind of blocking everything out of my mind right now (’。w。‘). Um...oh well.

Have a good weekend, everyone, and see you on the other side :D
みなさん も いい しゅうまつ を すごせます ように。 ♥


journal, anime convention: otakuthon, journal: news, journal: fangirling, journal: weekly happy post

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