First of all: I'm sorry for anyone who's had to hear me harp about this multiple times, but Earth Hour is happening tomorrow (March 28th), from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., local time, anywhere in the world. Basically, it's a call to turn off your electronics (LIGHTS, laptops, desktops, television sets, etc.) for one hour (candlelit dinner, anyone?). It started in 2007 with a few million people in Sydney, Australia taking part, but this year, it's a global event-turned-election to vote between the Earth or Global Warming. Now I know some of you don't believe in global warming, but even so, the impending energy crisis is a little less avoidable using hand-wavy arguments. So please, please participate if at all possible. If you can't spare the entire hour, even half an hour would be a great help.
You can go
here for more information :3
Let me know if you plan on joining? And please help spread the word (six degrees of separation and all that jazz)!
As for something a little less altruistic, the CSSA semi-formal is happening tonight and I am excited. I haven't gone out on a Friday night in a long time. Plus, dressing up is fun :D Pictures may be posted in the future, if I remember to bring my camera with me for once...
School is still going, but Analytical Chem ends after this coming Monday (which is sign-off day, so that's another three hours of glassware washing and inventory checking, but at least there are no more actual experiments). My joy can only be expressed with rainbows and kittens. I just hope I actually passed that lab...otherwise it'll be another nightmare to get through next fall DDD:
Also, I found a place to live next year. It'll be a studio apartment, like I wanted, and if everything goes well, the moving process shouldn't be too troublesome. More on that sometime later.
Okay, need to head off to class.