When I moved back to California from Pittsburgh I flew with both cats. I would have driven, but Disney offered to pay my airfare and to ship my car, so I thought what the heck. It was definitely a huge pain. I was only allowed to bring one with me in the cabin. Poor snarf had to go into the pressurized luggage compartment. I brought Ming with me because I knew he'd be quieter in the cabin. But some flight attendent saw Snarf in his carrier and yelled at me for like 5 minutes about how 'he didn't have enough space'. I tried to explain to her that he preferred that when he was traveling and that, in fact both cats would crawl into that carrier of their own volition and stay there for hours when we were travelling.
I just sedate Taag for plane flights. Otherwise he'll spend the entire flight trying to claw his way out of the carrier. My vet gave me some the first time I flew with him, and I got some more at another time, so I had some sitting around still. It mostly wears off before the full flight is over, but he's most unhappy during takeoff and landing, so if he's only unsedated for the final landing its not too bad.
Taag actually takes up most of his carrier (the stand up and turn around is pretty borderline), but usually he's so terrified he somehow manages to condense himself into a little ball on one half of the bag. Luckily, nobody's complained about the size of the carrier yet.
Yeah, I probably should have sedated them. Ming actually did really well, though he was kind of scared. Snarf I'm sure was miserable, but actually wasn't too upset when we got of the plane. At least, he didn't seem to hold a grudge. :)
Comments 4
Taag actually takes up most of his carrier (the stand up and turn around is pretty borderline), but usually he's so terrified he somehow manages to condense himself into a little ball on one half of the bag. Luckily, nobody's complained about the size of the carrier yet.
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