Feb 09, 2009 11:44
Loki, our Alaskan Malamute, has decided that the groundhog is a wuss and dammit, it's spring.
He's blowing his coat >.<
I've explained to him that he is not to blow his coat until it's actually warm outside. Coat blowing means a bath, which helps the process along. And ideally, it would mean sitting on the lawn afterwards, brushing out enormous masses of uber-soft undercoat, and drying in the sun.
But no. We went and bathed him today (we go to a self-service dog wash place) and scrubbed him up. Now he is lying on the carpet in front of the furnace vent. :(
This fall, Loki's internal weather forecasting system was telling him that it was going to be THE WORST WINTER EVAR. We knew this because he was hungry all the time, and kept stealing food to bulk up for the coming storm. And he was right.
So now, according to Loki the weather dog, this summer is going to get really damn hot. We may just skip spring and go right to a scorching heat wave. I hope not, but if Loki is dropping his winter coat this early, we may well be screwed...