My tweets

Nov 28, 2011 00:30

  • Sun, 12:55: @ jodii85 XDDD did u watch the live?
  • Sun, 12:57: Happy Birthday to existtrace's Maly! Rock on drumgirl!
  • Sun, 13:03: Well, it's ok. I'm not even disappointed hehe. I'm just worried she'll touch it and say "what's this doing here?"
  • Sun, 13:04: Ripping Limp ^_^ Time for me to check 'em out.
  • Sun, 13:05: It's better late than never ;) Happy Feast Day to our Lady of the Miraculous Medal!
  • Sun, 13:06: Ate a lot today ^_^
  • Sun, 13:08: Selecta's Heath English Toffee Ice Cream is so far the best kind of Hershey Ice Cream <3
  • Sun, 13:09: It's fun to think that all the sweet things we love like ice cream are all related to Chemistry.
  • Sun, 13:09: It's already a year since I've been into Visual Kei! And my one year birthday as a Gazefan :33
  • Sun, 13:12: Ripping is so slow. Comp's getting abnormal. I must restart it again Q~Q
  • Sun, 13:13: But how? It's all my fault. I'm doomed!!!!!!


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