Sep 21, 2003 23:59
PetrolBombardier: So did you learn about how Whitey oppresses everyone?
bainbane: FUCK YES
bainbane: you are on
PetrolBombardier: Haha.
PetrolBombardier: Oh and how all guys are inherantly sexist.
bainbane: DUDE, I MET AN ACTUAL MEMBER OF THE WORKING CLASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PetrolBombardier: Haha.
PetrolBombardier: So what did you think of Camp Anytown?
PetrolBombardier: Revolting enough for you?
bainbane: i actually only said anarchy three times
bainbane: i impressed myself
PetrolBombardier: Haha.
PetrolBombardier: So did Camp Anytown make you want to kill liberals?
bainbane: no... it was totally un-politicall
bainbane: it was also really anarchist, although i think i was the only one who noticed
bainbane: it was soooo cool
PetrolBombardier: Haha.
PetrolBombardier: How so?
bainbane: we did this one activity, where we were segrigated
PetrolBombardier: Yeah.
PetrolBombardier: I've heard about that.
bainbane: and basically we said fuck the rules we want to be together
PetrolBombardier: Dude. You so should have started a revolution and killed the conselors.
PetrolBombardier: Then rioted.
bainbane: and we were and it was the most peacefully anarhist stuff ive ever seen. cuz most of those kids had never heard of the idea
bainbane: no dude, you have no idea
PetrolBombardier: Haha.
bainbane: it was beautiful
bainbane: rioting was the last thing on our minds. we were so superior to the oppressors that rioting never occured to us. we were just Angry and Sad
PetrolBombardier: I just get a kick out of how it has so little actual effect on real life. Like it doesn't show you how you can change shit, rather it tells you that they system is fucked.
PetrolBombardier: But where were the cops?
PetrolBombardier: :-D
bainbane: you have no friggin idea man
bainbane: no friggin idea
PetrolBombardier: Care to explain then?
bainbane: anarchy is not a revolution. or a revolutionary activity or can be gotten by any sort of violence in any way from the rebels
bainbane: it is a soulful uprising of the masses. by what they KNOW is right against the oppressors who are in the MINORITY and can be peacefully rooted out and CONVERTED and not killed
bainbane: that is what i see
bainbane: only then can we have an anarchist state.
bainbane: we have to show people that the system is corrupt
bainbane: we have to make people see what they are perpetuating
PetrolBombardier: Haha.
PetrolBombardier: Oh dear.
bainbane: and fighting petty fights with cops is not going to change that
bainbane: although it is fun
bainbane: what do you think?
PetrolBombardier: About?
bainbane: ive lost my marbles?
PetrolBombardier: No, I just disagree completely.
bainbane: im totally serious here
PetrolBombardier: I know.
bainbane: explain to me and we will have a fun discussion
PetrolBombardier: Haha.
PetrolBombardier: Its just that if, take fighting the police, you believe that talking to them will keep them from raiding your home and dragging you off to jail, then you are dead wrong.
bainbane: i dont
PetrolBombardier: Self defense is a good reason to fight.
bainbane: true
PetrolBombardier: And that you can't assume that everyone will agree and side with you.
bainbane: true
PetrolBombardier: So you fight to be allowed to do what you want without harming others.
bainbane: maybe
PetrolBombardier: Rather than just pounding your head against the wall.
PetrolBombardier: Anarchism is a fight for your own life.
bainbane: but it doesnt have to be a violent fight
PetrolBombardier: Um. How wouldn't it be?
PetrolBombardier: You will die.
bainbane: if everyone knows that it is the way to go, everyone will rise up of their own accord. you wont have to fight
bainbane: if something is won by fighting, it can almost be gaurateed that many many people will be unhappy with it
PetrolBombardier: Haha.
PetrolBombardier: So?
PetrolBombardier: If you defend yourself and some one is unhappy that you are alive is that a bad thing?
PetrolBombardier: I don't think so.
bainbane: if what you are doing is making lots of people unhappy its bad. see, what the capitalists are doing now is making us unhappy. why should we make them unhappy when we are in power just because we hold a grudge against them?
PetrolBombardier: We won't fuckjing be in power.
PetrolBombardier: God damnit man.
bainbane: i agree on a personal bassis though
bainbane: *i meant when they are no longer in power
bainbane: its the culture that has to change.
bainbane: if not everyone accepts the new culture, then there will be no anarchy
PetrolBombardier: Ok. Look. Capitalists (us included) kill people based on their consumption and such. That cannot be tolerated. I fight to enjoy the fight and to personally survive.
PetrolBombardier: No shit culture has to change.
bainbane: how are they killing you personally unless you put yourself in their way?
PetrolBombardier: Culture is bullshit, but then again is what determines human actions or its it the collection of all our actions?
bainbane: culture is how we act. we cant get away from that.
PetrolBombardier: By forcing me, once I turn 18 to sell my life to work for them.
PetrolBombardier: But you can destroy culture.
bainbane: true
PetrolBombardier: *shakes head*
bainbane: me too...
PetrolBombardier: Camp Anytown is not the real work.
PetrolBombardier: world*
bainbane: i know that
bainbane: but im going off of what ive seen people do here, not in camp anytown
PetrolBombardier: THen why do you believe that everyone will agree with you and be happy?
bainbane: they dont have to agree with me!
bainbane: i dont want them to agree with me!
PetrolBombardier: Then you utopia won
PetrolBombardier: won't work!
bainbane: they have to agree with each other
bainbane: as they do now
PetrolBombardier: How do they do it now?
bainbane: except now they agree that capitalism is good
bainbane: the culture agrees captialism is good because it has insinuated itself into it. it has grown up around and along side our culture and has been accepted by it
bainbane: and what must happen is that it must not be accepted by the culture anymore
PetrolBombardier: Very few people are happy with their lives and their jobs.
PetrolBombardier: This very day.
PetrolBombardier: They just know no other option.
bainbane: but they are happy with capitalism. thats the problem. they know no other option
bainbane: yeah
PetrolBombardier: They are fucking not happy with it.
bainbane: i think my personal job in helping this is to educate people about their options
PetrolBombardier: Ok.
bainbane: its all about what rules are the bad ones that you should break
bainbane: and thinking for yourself
PetrolBombardier: All rules are bad ones!
bainbane: pretty much
PetrolBombardier: DAMNIT! Whats happened to you!?!
bainbane: ive become myself again. i thought like this when i was in middle school. except i diddnt have a name for it
bainbane: im just a peacenick. i guess
PetrolBombardier: I see...
bainbane: i mean, armed revolution is cool and all, but, like, you have to really build up your army before you can launch such an attack as is needed for this
PetrolBombardier: For what?
bainbane: man, you are just going to get yourself killed. what use is that?
PetrolBombardier: ARMY?
bainbane: not army
bainbane: you have to have enough fighters
PetrolBombardier: Fight for self defense. Everyone can do that.
bainbane: there have to be enough people fighting on their own in various places
bainbane: everyone can, but not everyone IS
PetrolBombardier: Not really.
bainbane: we have to make everyone do that
bainbane: nono
PetrolBombardier: Very few people do anything about their lives.
bainbane: not make. show them that they can.
bainbane: yeah i know
bainbane: thats why im so fuckin annoyed when people dont get involved in shit
PetrolBombardier: Haha. Alright.
bainbane: no one is involved and because of that they dont know their options, and they sit on their asses all day and complain
bainbane: its depressing!
PetrolBombardier: Yeah.
bainbane: i want to show people that they really dont have to follow rules
PetrolBombardier: So go do something yourself.
bainbane: im planning on it
PetrolBombardier: Go fucking burn a bank.
PetrolBombardier: Cool.
bainbane: i just might
PetrolBombardier: Excellent.
bainbane: but only if people totally understand what im doing and why im doing it
bainbane: so they see the burining bank and think, man, serves capitalism right!
bainbane: which it does,
bainbane: but not everyone thinks that way now
PetrolBombardier: But why do it for them?
PetrolBombardier: Its just a spectator sport then.
bainbane: AHA!
PetrolBombardier: Do it for yourself.
bainbane: you are right
bainbane: o nm then
bainbane: heh
PetrolBombardier: Haha.
PetrolBombardier: Alright.
bainbane: i could do it for myself. but why?
bainbane: i do lots of stuff for myself
bainbane: its like in the matrix
bainbane: you cant free a mind untill its ready
PetrolBombardier: Haha.
PetrolBombardier: So?
PetrolBombardier: Free the minds that are and fuck the rest.
PetrolBombardier: Matrix style.
PetrolBombardier: :-D
bainbane: heh. maybe
bainbane: just cuz all those people dont beleive it now doesnt mean they cant. they have the capability. we just have to be patient.
PetrolBombardier: Yeah.
PetrolBombardier: But for now fuck 'em.
bainbane: other wise we loose hella people
PetrolBombardier: Maybe they will change, maybe they won't.
PetrolBombardier: So?
bainbane: we gotta plan for the future man
PetrolBombardier: Fuck that!
bainbane: fuck the future? thats what we are fighting for!...
PetrolBombardier: No I'm not.
bainbane: and now
PetrolBombardier: I'm fighting to enjoy life to the fullest.
PetrolBombardier: Enjoy it now.
bainbane: too. were also fighting for now.
bainbane: hell yes!
PetrolBombardier: So fuck the future.
bainbane: totally enjoy it now!
PetrolBombardier: Yes.
bainbane: except if we dont do somehting about it now, ittl keep getting worse and worse and we will still have to keep fighting it every time we encounter it
PetrolBombardier: Hrm?
bainbane: i think thats what this disagreement comes down to. you want a wonderful now, and fuck the future, and i want a wonderful now and a wonderful future, which intails making now just really good
bainbane: *entails
PetrolBombardier: But you can't have both, can you?
bainbane: im gonna try to
bainbane: i want both. why shouldnt i have both?
PetrolBombardier: You shouldn't, but now is much more important to me.
PetrolBombardier: I want both too.
PetrolBombardier: Everyone does, I just care more about now than the future.
bainbane: yeah i guess
bainbane: id just be really happy if i saw stuff i did effect hella people in the way of freedom
bainbane: so that it stayed longer
bainbane: see, if i just concentrate on me, theres hella people who arent sorta liberated sorta, or dont see their options, who are unhappy. and i really dont like that
bainbane: but thats just me
PetrolBombardier: So help them.
PetrolBombardier: But realize that you enjoy helping them so it is for you.
bainbane: yeah it is i guess
PetrolBombardier: Thats what I've noticed about myself.
bainbane: well, thats what makes me happy. thats how my happy now might be
PetrolBombardier: I like helping folks out and being fairly nice to them.
PetrolBombardier: But its because I like it that I do it.
bainbane: helping other people so the future is more happy and there are more people helping other people to be happy
bainbane: well yeah
bainbane: me too
PetrolBombardier: Cool.
bainbane: cool
bainbane: we gotta do it more often though
bainbane: i hella need to do it more often
PetrolBombardier: Do what?
bainbane: help people be happy
PetrolBombardier: Yeah.
bainbane: cuz the only thing in my life that ever makes me really unhappy is when i see other people that are unhappy
PetrolBombardier: Yeah.
bainbane: so i gotta help hella people so im not unhappy that they are unhappy
PetrolBombardier: Then go kill cops! Everyon hates the cops!
PetrolBombardier: :-)
bainbane: heh. im unhappy when cops are unhappy though, cuz they are people
PetrolBombardier: No they aren't, they're cops.
bainbane: even though people do annoying things sometimes
PetrolBombardier: They are the tools of the rich.
PetrolBombardier: If they put down the badges, I'm fine, but with them, they should die.
bainbane: the rich dont know their options either. its not their fault
PetrolBombardier: But annoying is different than going to kill you.
bainbane: i think killing is annoying
PetrolBombardier: Ok.
PetrolBombardier: But if you try to enslave me, I will kill you.
bainbane: i wouldnt mind being killed myself, at least not that much. but it would be sorta annoying
bainbane: thats why i say annoying
PetrolBombardier: Ok.
bainbane: other people hang on to life much more than i do, which is ok. i just dont
PetrolBombardier: Ok.
PetrolBombardier: But you aren't a cop.
bainbane: true
bainbane: heh
bainbane: wow basically ive just articulated every single thing i strongly believe in.
bainbane: heh
bainbane: i gotta really thank you for that
PetrolBombardier: Sure thing.
PetrolBombardier: Glad to help. Even if we butt heads.
PetrolBombardier: :-)
bainbane: :-)