Unplanned daytrips, work, and just life in general.

Jun 25, 2007 15:55

Dear owners of the broods of demon seeds,
Keep your "offspring" quiet. This is a library and I came here to use the computers and have some quiet. Instead I'm hearing your darling spawns screaming out "Mom!" every two seconds and it is wearing on my patience. Other mohter, your brat is just shrieking and making noise. And mom number one, I'm tired of seeing the librarian running over to the computers to reboot them because your children don't know how to use them. How about some parental guidance and a muzzle!?!?!


Still without the intenet at home. I really need to stop being lazy and actually call to get the phone line at the apartment. But then again the library works well for me since the computers actually move at a proper pace.

Work is still not the best. New manager Mr. Fisher is making enemies with us by lying to us and trying to change things. We don't appreciate how he does that. He had the balls to take me aside on Saturday and tell me that there was a "nasty little rumor" going around about me saying that I don't like to work. And that he can't confirm that if it was an employee or manager, but that he wants me to work hard to prove the lie wrong. *laughs hysterically and falls over out of breath* That is a straight up lie and anyone at work would agree with me. I do my share of the work and am willing to help out just about anyone else there. Ms. Philips, the head managers of us all, has said before that I am reliable and there whenever they need someone so I would say that Fishy is definitely lying.

People, including other managers, have been to Philips about Fishy but she won't do anytthing. And Jason, who was recently made manager, said thet Philips doesn't like Fishy either. She won't do anyting since we are so short staffed with mamangers right now.

For the first time I've taken a whole week off from work. From July 2 through the 8th I'm off and doing stuff with Stef and Jenn. We want to go to a few historial places- Batsto Village and Cold Springs. I am going to suggest Smithville, the shore and maybe a few other daytrip ideas.

Today after I took Stefanie to work I drove down to Batsto and wondered around for about three hours. It was a spur of the moment thing too. It was free and I really like it down there. The village was a iron producing town, then a glass manufacturing village and still stands today as a historial village where you can visit. If the mansion was opened I would have taken the tour but it's closed on Mondays and Tuedays.

I probably too over two hundred pictures and afterwards I stopped at the church connected with Batsto and took some pictures of tombstons. I couldn't resist.

library, work, fishy fishy, dear series

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