One pissed Missy.

Apr 26, 2007 00:55

Work is truly beginning to piss me of lately but yesterday did it. We had to help load two trucks full of stuff to send to the Ritz since National Amusements, our parent company, bought it out. We had a bunch of shit to move and mostly us workers did the moving. There was some other guy just standing around smoking and taking up air. And Mr. Elson just told us what to do and did little else.

For Christ sakes the Ritz is a movie theatre. You don't need to steal our platters for their films and half of the other stuff you thought you could use. That was our water fridge, now we have one and we tend to sell a lot of water. Now we have to run around to the other side of the stand for it. That takes even more time and means more pissy people in line. And he took our cart we use to take the heavy stuff out to the lobby and into the stand. Thanks, thief.

If you had to steal anything, you could have stolen Ms. Philips. No one would have missed the pissy bitch. Instead you take our favourite. And find a better excuse other then we have to keep the extra uniforms here since there is no where to put them at the other theatre. Don't lie. There is plenty of room in these building. I should know. I've seen how much room is available in the booth and the rest of the upstairs. Take your shit and get it out of our building. It's crowding us and we can't find out stuff.

Elson pretty much insulted our theatre as well when he made a comment about us not getting new uniforms or other stuff. That the main company won't waste money on a theatre who brings in 800 people when they can put it into a theatre where they get a lot more. Hmm, maybe if the prices were not so outrageous, then we might be able to lure people in!

And twice the bastard praised me as though I were a small child and I find it insulting. For Christ sakes I'm twenty-four. He and Jason were dragging the ramp to one of the trucks and it kept sticking as they were putting it under the truck. I told them to lift it so it would no longer catch on the clip underneath. Second time was when we were sorting through uniforms and boxing them for the new theatre. I suggested putting multiple sizes in the boxes and writing what was in them on the side. Common sense. Oy.

Then there were rumors going around that yet more managers are leaving us. Turns out the fucking news is true and I'm not at all happy. First off we have two leaving, one's last day is tomorrow and then other is done is early May. One is leaving for LA to further his career in music while the second is going to college in Florida. Another is leaving in August for school. Now we have Pearson who gave his two weeks notice and is going to work for Comcast, not that anything was ever said before. And my absolute favourite is going over to the god damn fucking Ritz! Why not send the bitch Philips over there or Fernanderz. No, they get rid of our favourite one. Now that means we will only have three of the original managers left and there is someone training tomorrow.

People are abandoning the movies quicker then rats on a sinking ship. The way things are going I'm waiting to hear that we'll be closing up since we don't need two of the same kind of theatre within twenty minutes of one another.

And the Ritz is going to start being more family friendly and that will effect us. Before they had a rule about no one under 16 permitted and they played more of the independent films and other ones we never got. Now that they will we're going to suffer even more since we got the customers who wanted to see the kiddy movies and other stupid comedies they didn't show. Thanks for killing us and tearing apart our little family.

This angers me and I almost want to leave and go elsewhere, but I doubt I will right away. Now I have to get use to a shit load of new managers, one of whom is training tomorrow. I'll have to maybe bring Stefanie lunch so I can see who this new guy is. And guess where he's from. That's right, the Ritz.

With the Ritz being one of us, I wish they would have let some of us workers go over there to show them how things are run our way. Instead they just steal our manager and run.

My mood was content until Stefanie texted me saying that McDonald was leaving for good. Now my mood is sour and I'm debating between Godsmack and Nickleback. I'm in the mood for some heavy music right now to match my mood.

Oh yeah, other shit....
Moving around May 18th about twenty minutes from here. Not happy about that but I'll have to deal I guess.

Been keeping occupied with my cemeteries and taking pictures. Took some pictures tonight and went to Wal-Mart to get some printed up.

Had the party back on the 14th. That one was okay. Had a second one on the 21st. That got a bit more out of control with Jess acting out because Grady showed up. I ended up with fruit punch and rum all over the kitchen wall and floor because she made a grab for the cup I had in hand and was going to throw out. Needless to say I was pissed and everybody knew it.

party, work, genealogy, moving, tombstones, cemterires

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