A new kind of window service.

Oct 22, 2006 04:50

1) Grab the nearest book.
2) Open the book to page 123.
3) Find the fifth sentence.
4) Post the text of the next four sentences on your blog along with these instructions.
5) Don't you dare dig for that "cool" or "intellectual" book in your closet. Just pick up whatever is closest.

She covered his hand with hers, then turned her face to kiss his palm. "Hurry and shower. We have work to do."
She pulled away and he felt her absence immediately.

Since I stayed home from work yesterday I planned on taking Stef to work and then come home and go back to bed for a few hours since I was still feeling tired. That did not happen but then again nothing ever goes as planned. I was on my way to grab something to eat at McDonald's when Stefanie called to say that she wasn't needed and that I could pick her up. I told her she'd have to wait a few minutes. Plus Grady said for me to come in since he had something for me. I was not going in dressed as I was so I ran home first to get changed and put my lunch in the microwave.

The only thing Grady had for me was the award certificate and an umbrella, my gifts for being employee of the month. Grady never even gave it to me. Knoll did.

Sean, Stefanie, Mallory and I ended up going to Pumpkin Pallooza at the town ballfield. It was not crowded and was horribly dull, with nothing more then a bunch of stuck up teens who think they are everything roaming around. We were out of there within half an hour.

After that we went to Target since Sean needed a new cell phone and then we went to Applebee's for dinner. I ran to a used music store across the plaza while they waited for our table and bought the Interview with a Vampire soundtrack for $3.

When dinner was done we went to Coffee Works to get coffee in Sean's case and hot chocolate in mine before going to the movies. Of course we ended up doing our usual crazy stuff- writing on car windows.

We got Jess' car like always, plus Matt's, Chris' and Ms. McDonald's or at least Matt got hers. It was fun doing it and we ended up taking pictures of stuff as well. Sean was doing most of the writing and was bouncing around because of the coffee he'd had.

Everyone was cool with what we did since we waited for all but Ms. McDonald. Today we'll have to see what her reaction was.

It was just something fun that we all had a good laugh when doing but I think Sean got the most fun out of it.

hanging out, fun, meme, the movies

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