Shakespeare ain't got no drama compared to us.

Aug 29, 2006 06:20

Make that five times for seeing Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man's Chest. I saw it the for the fifth time on Thursday night since I had nothing else to do while Stefanie went to a Toby Keith concert with Mallory.

Friday Stefanie, Mallory and I took the train down to Atlantic City for the day. We wondered around the boardwalk, played a few slot machines and checked out the stores. We ended up going into Ripley's Believe it or not. It's not worth the $12 we paid but it was interesting none the less and some of the stuff was neat.

Sunday after work Stefanie, Mallory, Sean and I went to Borders since I was after New Moon by Stephenie Meyer since it was released a month or more early. On the way home we stopped at the movies a bit. When trying to take Sean home we saw a bunch of smoke. Turns out a shop that closed down years ago caught on fire and half the Pike was blocked off so I had to zigzag over half of Atco just to drop Sean off. A five minute trip took about ten or more.

Afterwards Stef, Mallory and I went back and got out of the car to join others who were watching the firefighters wonder around since the fire was extinguished by then. In the end we just go wet from the rain. On the way back to the car stupid Stefanie ran into a sprinkler and stood in it like dumb ass because she was surprised or shock.

We went back to Mallory's afterward to plan for the party she's having and I went on her computer. We left by 3 because it was storming. On the way to the car it was lightning and Stefanie threw the water from the cup she had into the air, literally turned in a circle, first one way and then the opposite before dashing for the car. The dumb ass didn't have the common sense to just run, no she has time to circle both ways first.

You know, I'm getting sick of the drama at work. It's nothing but a bunch of he said, she said garbage started by George and everyone is getting dragged into it. I know he talks trash about everyone, but then again we all do it. Been there, done that. But a certain person, namely George, likes to twist things around it seems and it's getting tiring. I tend to ignore it and just go on with life.

People don't seem to like George but for some reason I don't have all that much of a problem with him although we talked about Jess being late all the time and her not getting in trouble for it once and him telling her or something like that. I don't care. She knows Tasheena and I spoke to a manager about it not being right and her fucking up the whole morning shift trying to get off register and getting done with our shift on many occasions.

Supposedly no one had really ever heard him say anything all that bad about Stefanie or myself although according to Michelle or someone else, he did say we jipped him on the party or something which is bull. We split the costs of everything so I don't know about that. And he doesn't understand how we are considered low income. He needs to do the math. Stefanie and I making less then $100 each a week doesn't equal out to much when you have a shit load of bills to pay plus gas, animal expenses and those other little extras that are a part of life.

Perhaps I've lived under my rock for too long and need to open my eyes or something here. I know he tends to talk big and brag but I ignore it and focus on the other parts of the conversations. I give a "yeah, whatever" or "that's cool" and ignore it. Maybe he is bad news and everyone else realizes it but me. Who knows. All I know is that I don't hang on to his every word and believe every single thing the guy says.

Anyhoodles, moving along.

So, around six tonight I got called in to work. I thought maybe someone went home sick or couldn't come in. I get there and don't see George's car in the parking lot so I assume I'm covering for him. Correct guess.

It turns out that he walked out of work after some minor drama or something. So according to Mr. Pearson he's pretty much fired unless Ms. Knoll decides otherwise. He did talk to Phillips supposedly before leaving so who know what is going to happen.

I don't care what happens but Sean and Michelle along with Rebecca and a few others are glad he left.

From working at the movies Sean is getting more outgoing. The damn boy slapped my ass after Stefanie told him to and this was while we were working. That hurt like hell. Plus I don't appreciate a sixteen year old slapping me either. Hell, he's my cousin's best friend and I've know the little bugger on and off since he was like six.

On Friday night Mallory is having a party at her house and everyone from work is invited. She's buying everything so that's great. People are allowed to crash at her place if they drink so it should be interesting. Stefanie and I will crash at her house too although if I don't drink too much I'll probably go home. I prefer to sleep in my own bed over sleeping at another person's house.

1. Have you ever been questioned by the cops?
Yes, when I was at the mall with the gang and hanging out in the parking lot. Gene threw a bottle over the fence and the cops came because someone said we were drinking and threw the bottle over the fence. We actually only get locked out of the van and everyone was waiting with us until the spare keys arrived.

2. Do you close your eyes on roller coasters?
Yes, since I hate roller coasters.

3. When's the last time you've been sledding?

4. Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone?
Alone even though I sleep on one side of the bed. I like being alone. Maybe that is because I had to share a bed as a kid for about 10 years or so.

5. Do you believe in ghosts?
Yes, and no.

6. Do you think O.J. killed his wife?

7. Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie?
Jolie. Aniston is a dumb and talentless bitch.

8. Can you honestly say you know ANYTHING about politics?
A basic amount.

9. How do you feel about your last ex?
I feel nothing.

10. Do you like to cuddle?
Not too much.

11. If you're driving in the middle of the night, and no one is in sight, would you speed?
Yes, I love the speed.

12. Do you have a secret that no one knows but you?
Don't we all?

13. Boston Red Sox or New York Yankees?
Both fucking suck. Go Phillies!

14. How often do you remember your dreams?
Most of the time.

15. Can you name 5 songs by The Beatles?
No since I hate those damn bugs.

16. What's the one thing on your mind?
Having to get up and take Stefanie to work in five hours.

17. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Not really.

18. What talent do you wish you had?

19. What do you wear to bed?
Shorts and a tank top.

20. Have you ever been caught stealing?

21. Rock or Rap?
Rock I guess.

22. If you could be seen with one famous person, who would it be?
Johnny Depp.

23. Do you know anyone in jail?
No, but I've had relatives in jail for various reasons. Fighting, bootlegging.

24. Have you ever sung in front of the mirror?

25. What food do you find disgusting?

26. Did you ever play, "I'll show you mine, if you show me yours?"

27. Who is your biggest fan?

28. Have you ever stood up for someone you hardly knew?

29. If you could live anywhere, where would you live?

30. If you could be any animal what would you be?

31. Your best quality?
No clue.

32. Best feature?
Hair is what most people compliment me on.

33. Have you ever spent the night with a person of the opposite sex?

work, books, atlantic city, work drama, survey, potc2, party, george, shopping, movies

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