Catching up on two weeks. Work, Wal-Mart, the shore and a book signing.

Jun 06, 2006 05:28

Uh, yeah, I guess this journal could use an update. I started one sometime last week but never got around to finishing it. I believe it's still in my sent mail too but I'll just add what I had written.

Last Saturday night turned out to be a fun night. Stefanie and Mallory were bored so I suggested bowling and they agreed. We called up Chris and George to see if they wanted to go. Chris was up for it but I couldn't reach George. Turns out he went to Atlantic City that night. Anywho, I dropped Stefanie off at Mallory's but not before we drove down Pestletown Road so I could find the Pestletown Cemetery where my great great grandparents are buried. I haven't been there is about five years or so but I found their graves right away since I remembered it was closer to the exit road, rather then the entrance one. Someday I want to go there for a few hours and write some of the names and dates down and submit them online and take a few pictures.

I picked Stef and Mallory up earlier then planned cause I decided to run to Wal-Mart to see if they had put out Dark Side of the Moon early by any chance. Of course I couldn't get to the book section since they conveniently had all the pallets of new shipments in that area, blocking off the books. God forbid they go block the toilet paper aisle instead. Peering around the massive piles of junk I spotted my book and nearly went crazy. It was out three days early! I was due for release on Tuesday, May 30th. I wedged my fat little body between two pallets of stuff and moves a few boxes, and some stretching later I had that damn book in my clutches. I quickly paid for it and we were off to bowling.

We bowled for two hours and it wasn't crowded it so that was good. I think I won all of the games too. Chris was acting crazy and I kept stealing his hat off his head. Stefanie and Mallory hid his cell and keys and kept him looking for them. After bowling Stef, Mallory and I drove around a bit and then headed home.

Sunday at work was tolerable. George worked so I had him to keep me sane since Michelle will make we want to murder her in two point five seconds. George didn't use his register that much but instead ran for Michelle and me, but more so for me since he can't stand Michelle either.

I had Dark Side of the Moon read in a few days rather then in a few hours. Sadly I just could not get into it. It's the third book in a row I found lacking. I have to reread it. Maybe I'll like it more the second time around. Oddly enough everyone else is loving the book.

On Tuesday Stef and I got cell phones at Wal-Mart. Finally phones again. This time we both have camera phones so that means I can take photos on occasion. Later that night we went to the diner with Mallory and then went to the other Wal-Mart. At some point when I was going down the Old White Horse Pike I nearly hit a fucking deer that decided to stop in the center of the road. I was going nearly 55 or so on a 50 road though but the damn thing just stood there and looked back at us. I ended up swerving to miss the bastard.

On Wednesday Stef, Mallory and I decided to go to Ocean City for the day and hang out on the beach. That never happened. We drive down, I get lost and end up in Atlantic City instead. We end up coming back to Atco and this time I take 73 to the A.C. Turnpike, miss the exit and end up in A.C. for a second time. We get out, find the correct exit and actually end up in O.C. Of course we decide against the beach because it's cloudy and drizzly. We hit the shops and grab lunch. On the way home we take the wrong exit, end up lost and in the wrong county. Thank god I had an idea of what to do though I stopped to ask for directions. As I would have done, we followed a road that would take us past Batsto, an old historical village, and got back to the Pike. In a matter of five minutes I also ended up nearly getting reared or side swiped twice because of the glare of the setting sun and asshole drivers who don't look where they're going.

Thursday Stef and I went to the Cherry Hill mall for the Sherrilyn Kenyon book signing. I swear I'm going to stop believe people and the directions they give any more. Mallory said the mall was on 70. Hah, wrong. I kept going on 70 until I ended up in Camden. For out-of-staters that is not an area of Jersey one wants to be in, whether it be day or night. It's got to be the worst or one of the worst cities in the state in crime and such. Anywho, we had to backtrack out of there and get directions. Turns out the mall is off 70. You have to turn right on a road, go down and then it's on the right-hand side. Finally we park, grab a quick bite and rush off to Borders for signing info and procedures. We are given numbers and told to come back around 6 for the signing. Thank god we were lucky to get low numbers. I was four and Stefanie was five. Scoping out the mall until five-thirty we got back to the book store and hung around with fellow S.K/Dark-Hunter fans. How nice it was to be around those who appreciate the AG and her D-Hs. In order of our numbers, we lined up and SK arrived through the front door all in black with her coffin purse. Soon she was talking with the fans, signing books and taking pictures with us. I got her to sign a few books and had a picture taken with her. Stefanie got a book and magazine signed for me. And we got some bookmarkers, pins and even fangs. It was really fun and if she's ever back in the area I plan on going again. Following the signing we wondered around some more, stopped back in Borders for a bit more and then left. Lucky me, it was lightning so I had the pleasure of driving in it. We went home for a bit and then go to them movies to see The Breakup. Horrible if anyone wants to know. Steer clear. It started to storm on the way. Hanging around the lobby a bit I talked with Tasheena and then went to see the movie.

Friday I went to the movies to take Stefanie lunch and to hang around. Didn't see a movie like I planned on but instead annoyed Grady, talked with George and just stood around.

Saturday I worked. For a change we had some people. I wanted to kill Anthony, however. The little punk used my register. Number six is mine. People should know that. It's the only one you ever see me on. The pup needs to learn. I ended up on nine which I hate.

Sunday sucked. It was my little cousin Dayna's second birthday so I took off from work. That was a waste. We got there around one thirty and left by three thirty with Jenn to go see a movie. Over the Hedge if anyone actually cares. Afterwards we hung around the lobby and played Arctic Blast, a snow mobile game. Mr. Pearson let us play sixteen games for free. It was actually fun. This coming from someone who's not into arcade games.

That night I pick up Mallory and the three of us went to WaWa to stalk Amber's ugly boyfriend. It had to start storming. After we bought stuff we stayed in the car waiting for Amber to come pick up said boyfriend. From the car we watched her inside. Eventually they left and we did too. On the way home the weather became worst. It was even worse once we dropped of Mallory. I could barely see and had to drive especially slow. I despise driving in the rain.

Yesterday I took Stefanie to work and stayed. I got to paint the windows for a movie. Grady asked me on Friday since he knew I love the original. I'm sure we all know which one I'm painting for. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. *dances around like a nut* Yippee! I only got the words Pirates of the Caribbean roughed in so far. Today I'm going back to do some more though I need to stop and pick up new paint and brushed since my selection at work is both crappy and running low. I've got until Friday and plan on painting a ship under the words and do some other images as well. I might add Dead Man's Chest though I'm not sure. And for this one I plan on taking pictures through out the entire process so I can keep and document my process. I'll upload them online maybe once all of it is done and the pics are developed and put onto a disk.

The downside is that most likely our theatre will not win the contest this is for. Apparently they don't judge it on the best art work but rather like a drawing where they pick it out randomly. That blows because it's not fair. They should be judged on the artwork. Grady said if we were to win he splits the prize which is money in half. I want to win, damn it!

Today I'll have to paint around a bunch of people who will be coming to see The Omen. Ooh, 06.06.06. I'm so scared. It's such an unholy number. Bah, nothing but a bunch of bull. People get worked up and go nuts over the dumbest things, I swear. Devil sign, evil number, my foot. Let's see what nuts come out of the woodwork today. The only thing I'll need holy water for is to drown the damn idiots.

After this I'm heading to bed. I didn't get home until near 11 but didn't get online until nearly four because Stefanie just had to waste half the night on MySpace when I have stuff do to online. Plus I have a headache that's been keeping me company for about fifteen hours and it just won't leave me alone.

dark-hunters, painting the window, work, the mall, window painting, sherrilyn kenyon, shopping, movies, down the shore, bowling

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