All blue.

Apr 11, 2006 19:54

Got some of the window done today. I got the words "Akeelah" and "Bee" painted and the rest outlined along with the images of some books. I'll go back on Thursday and finish up. You'd think I killed a Smurf or two because of my blue hands. I'm glad I was able to drag it out long enough today so that I'll have a decent pay check next week. On occasion people stopped to see what I was doing but mainly I was left in peace except for Stefanie who kept talking to me and commenting that I make faces when I paint. If she says so. And I got to see George. He'll be there Thursday as well. Yay! LOL.

After I clocked out I went upstairs to check out the posters. I got Ice Age 2, X-Men 3, Walk the Line, and Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. The PotC2 one isn't the teaser one with the skull but with Jack, Will and Elizabeth. Even though it seems to similar to PotC1 poster I got two and have one now hanging up on my bedroom wall. *does a happy dance*

By this time tomorrow I'll have either passed or failed my driving test. We shall see. *crosses her fingers* If I do pass Campanella will take me to get my license afterwards.

If I pass then hopefully a bunch from work can go bowling next week. This week got canceled because not enough people could make it. I just hope it'll be dollar Tuesday next Tuesday. It's hard to tell because of Easter vacation. I might call and see ahead of time.

work, driving, painting

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