Just the usual stuff.

Feb 28, 2006 06:20

It was another day spent with Stefanie and Jenn yesterday. Grabbed McDonald's for lunch and then hit the bowling alley for two hours. I sucked big time for some reason. Guess I wasn't all into it like usual. We came home for a while and I hunted for my sweater to see if it would be all right to wear to Aunt Mary's party on Saturday. Midwearing it Jenn called to ask us to run to Murphy's with her. We did and got some stuff. I've been craving tacos so I bought stuff to make them. They actually turned out edible much to my surprise. Yay for me since my cooking skills are near non-existant.

Today Jenn, Stef and I are going shopping for something to wear for Aunt Mary's party. I need to find a short black skirt since all the ones I own are long and I'm tired of them. Plus, I think they make me look shorter and fatter then I actually am lol. Twenty-three years later I catch on to things. And I need to get some kind of shoes since my dress shoes are out dated and uncomfortable. I want something that will last me a while and go with stuff in the future.

Tonight some of us from work are going bowling. I don't know who is though. Hopefully some will reply to my bulletin on MySpace to let me know what they are doing. We're meeting at the movies and then heading for the bowling alley. Luckily it's dollar night so each game and the shoes are a dollar each. But when you think about it, it's probably cheaper to just get a lane for $32 dollars for two hours and pay the shoe rental fee. You can just divide the $32 between everyone and you can get up to six on a lane.

Still we have to work on that damn scrapbook for Aunt Mary. I got my three pages done and Stef and Jenn did half of one each. That pretty much will leave me to do it since the two of them suck at it and admitted that it's not fun. We should have stuck to the original idea I had and just went somewhere and gotten a picture of Jenn, Stef, Brittany and me taken. So much easier and cheaper.

Now to dry my hair and head off to bed. I have to get my ass out of bed by 11:30 since we're leaving around noon but with Jenn we'll probably end up leaving later.

And with that, I leave you all with a survey since I was bored.


Chapter 1:
Intials: mlz
Middle name: don't have one.
Sex: female
Date of birth: 02.08.83
Current location: Atco, NJ
Height: 5'3"
Hair length: past my shoulders but not quite the middle of my back anymore.
Hair color: brown with blonde.
Piercings: 0

Chapter 2: The Background
Do you get along with your parents?: I did.
Are you parents married/separated/divorced?: Dead.
Do you have any siblings? yes
What pets do you have?: 4 dogs, 4 cats, 2 birds
What are their name(s): Tippi, Lady, Gimp, Ginger; Spencer, Duncan, Precious, Bear; Kewi and Toby

Chapter 3: Favorites
City: Don't have one.
Ice cream flavor: vanilla
Season: winter, minus the snow.
Clothing brand: whatever's comfortable
Shampoo/conditioner: whatever is in the shower.
Old nickelodeon show: Clarissa Explains it all.
Cheesy pick-up line: ---
Flower: hibiscus

Chapter 4: Do You ...
Sing in the shower?: nope
Write memos on your hand?: no.
Call people back?: not if I can help it.
Have your driver's license?: no
Believe in love?: Don't know at the moment.
Sleep on a certain side of the bed?: yes, even though I have a full bed all to myself.
Wear glasses or contacts?: neither.
Have any weird pet peeves?: not that I can think of.

Chapter 5: Have You Ever ...
Worn braces? nope
Broken a bone?: nope
Had stitches?: Yep
Punched someone in the face?: sorta
Skipped school?: yes
Taken painkillers?: Yes
Gone SCUBA diving?: no
Been stung by a jellyfish?: no
Been stung by a bee?: yes
Thrown up in a restaurant?: no
Written a letter to Santa Claus?: yes
Sworn in front of your parents?: All the time in front of my mother.
Had detention?: yes
Been sent to the principal's office?: no
Been called a bitch?: yeah
Been called a Hoe?: no
Met someone famous?: yes
Played ding dong ditch?: no

Chapter 6: Random
If you could take back one thing, what would it be? Don't know.
Do you prefer blonde hair or brown hair?: brown hair.
If you were on death row, what would your final request be?: To get off death row.

shopping, bowling, survey

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