Snarling customers are all in a day's work.

Feb 21, 2006 01:26

People today were vicious at times. Sheesh. Excuse us for being extremely busy but what can you expect when no one had school or work. Take that into consideration when you come to see a movie. We can only move so quickly. They think we're gods or something and that the lines will move in the blink of an eye. They need to be reasonable.

People were bitching to us and to one another while in line. We had two people in box, three concessionists plus two managers and an usher helping in concession. The first guy I had snarled at me because the hotdogs weren't done. First off people shouldn't have been let in so soon but they were. And we have to count our stuff, get popcorn and other stuff before we can even begin. Customers think fairies or little gnomes do all this I guess. Some said they were in line for 45 minutes. Aww, tough shit. As I said, get there early especially on holidays. Some woman snapped at a manager about the lines and then left. Don't let the door hit you on the ass as you leave, you miserable bat.

Hell, that was the most complaining I've ever heard in one day.

I guess if I was in their shoes I might feel that way but some people think that they can walk in the door, buy a ticket and snacks and head right for the movie. That might happen during the week when it's dead but that's not possible on a Friday, Saturday, Sunday or a holiday.

Good news I learned last night from Stefanie is that Harris, aka Hitler, quit. *dances a jig, a reel and every other dance imaginable* Yes! Good riddance to the bitch that no one likes. We got a new manager, Ray, who works there though but they still need a second one eventually to replace Harris.

In a moment of insanity I made pancakes for dinner tonight. Who the fuck takes thirty minutes to make the bloody things? *raises her hand* This from the fool who fucks up pasta. They came out okay but I ended up not eating most of them because I gagged on them since I wasn't really in the mood for them but was starving.

Tomorrow Jenn, Stef and I are going bowling for a few hours since Jenn's not working at the moment. We also have to go to the craft store for some scrapbooking stuff since we're making Aunt Mary a scrapbook for her 85th birthday in March. We still need photographs from most of the family yet though. Not sure how much we can actually do until we have the pictures.

For a change I think I might even turn in early. A few times I nearly dozed off earlier though now I somewhat perked and even got rid of the headache I had all day.

work, snarling customers, bowling

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