Is it really illegal to kill those who piss you off?

Jan 30, 2006 19:27

Life is life as usual which equals out to working the weekends and spending too much time online the rest of the time.

Work has been the usual. Saturday was okay, had to deal with the amazingly annoying Michelle who kept pestering everyone with questions on trying to figure out something with some guy she had a crush on. Don't look at me I say. I can't figure men out. They confuse me and online they baffle me but that's a whole other issue. Michelle had to give me a ride home since I didn't go to a family party and didn't want to wait until 9 for Jenn to pick me up.

A bunch of the gang was supposed to go bowling later that night but Lucia decided not to so no one went. Jenn called to see what we wanted to do instead. I said I wasn't going to go bowling so Jenn decided that I wasn't included when some of the gang decided to go shoot some pool and go to the diner. She failed to understand or think when I said I didn't want to go bowling only because I had gotten up early that morning and we wouldn't get home until 2-3 or even later. She gets bitchy saying there wasn't room in the car for me since they had invited Sean and gave some excuse about not being able to use the van. Ha. In the end I won.

At the pool hall there was only one table available for the five of us so that went well. Jenn was annoyed over that. Finally a second table became available and god forbid Brittany go ask for it. No, I had to. Then a corner table was free and she wanted me to go up and tell the guy we'd use that one instead. Hell no, I stood my ground and told her to tell him if she wanted it so bad, the one we had was fine with me. In the end someone else got it so we stayed where we were. She had a bit of an attitude the rest of the night. And I sucked at playing since I was tired.
At the diner we picked on Michelle a while since we all know how she is.

Yesterday was okay. Michelle didn't come in, telling the managers her had a "medical" issue which was a fucking lie. She went to the gym to see the guy she has a crush on and get some poetry he writes but doesn't usually share with anyone else. Ha. So in her place was Jeff and aside from him it was Rebecca and myself with Chris as swing. I scurried around doing other things so I could get out of the stand. I filled up the soda room, made nachos and did other odds and ends. The others were more then capable of doing things.

Luckily I was closed out first so that gave me time to restock the candy case, make more nachos, refill straws and napkins and whatever else I could go. I never clocked out until 5:50 because I didn't have to leave right away and Chris needed someone to run for him until Jess got her lazy ass to work. I swear she's always late and never gets in trouble for it. And she's always at least half an hour late. But if it was someone else coming in half an hour late they'd get a warning and be fired if it happened too often. Not her though.

On my break both days I sat in on Brokeback Mountain. Good movie from what I saw. I really want to see the whole thing though. It's a miracle we even got it since our theater doesn't get half the stuff I ever want to see. It only came in on Friday and I don't know how long it will last.

Funny how the guys refuse to see it but the girls will. Yet if it involved women kissing or having sex with one another they'd be flocking to it on their breaks. Just because it's two guys forget it. And Chris says he wouldn't see it if you paid him a million dollars. I like teasing him about it by suggesting he see it on his break. I'm evil, plain and simple, sometimes.

pool, work, jenn, diner

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